Christmas special day 24

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Rachel POV:

"I'm coming

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"I'm coming. I'm coming. Hold your horses." I shouted running to the door.
I opened it to see Dean and Lucas.
"Hey boys. Come on in."
They walked in. Auggie came in fro mhis room and Dean ran over to him.
"What you doing here/" I smiled hugging Lucas.
"Came to see a beautiful girl that goes by the name of Rachel. You seen her?"
"Don't believe i have no."
"Oh well, she is lovely."
"I should meet her."
"I'll introduce you to her next time."
We laughed.

"Hey Rach, Lucas, wanna help with the cookies." Topanga asked as she sat on the bench with Auggie and Dean.
"sure. Why not?" Lucas asked.

I laughed. he wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked to the table.

That is the last update for Christmas. I hope you enjoyed reading them just as much as I have writing them. I will see you in 2018!!! Merry Christmas to all and a happy and safe new year. I love ya all xxxx.  

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