Christmas special day 8

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Cory POV:

"Rise and shine sleepyhead." I said walking into my sisters room.
"I'm awake." She said weakly.
I walked over to her.
"You ok?" I asked, concerned.
She nodded.
"Just a cold." She said before sneezing.
"Why don't you relax today. I'll check on you later and bring you a hot lemon."
"No. Not the lemon, please." She begged before sneezing again.
"Sorry kid." I said and kissed her forehead before walking out.

"What's up with Rachel?" Topanga asked as I walked into the living room/kitchen.
"She's sick. Just the cold, noting serious, but I told her to rest today and I'll bring her a hot lemon later."
Topanga nodded.
"I'm heading to work/ I've another case. Seya when I get home." She kissed my check and walked out of the apartment.

The doorbell rang. I walked over to it.
"It's Lucas."
"Come on up."

I opened the door and Lucas appeared shortly after.
"Where's Rachel?"
"She's in her room. She's sick with the cold." I explained.
"Can I still go see her?"
"Yea sure. But, keep the door open." I yelled after him.

Rachel POV:

Rachel POV:

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Lucas walked into my room.
"Hi." I smiled weakly.
"Your sick?"
"Just a cold noting too bad."
He laughed and took off his coat before sitting down at the edge of the bed.
"So you staying in here for the day?"
"Yep. Corys orders."
I laughed as she rolled her eyes. She sneezed and lied more into her bed.
"You tired?"
She nodded and I got up.
"I'll let you sleep. I'll come back later or tomorrow."
"You sure?"
"Yea. I'll go see Dean." I kissed her forehead.

I put on my coat and walked out of the room. I nodded to Cory as I walked out and opened the door to see Rachels other brothers. I let them in before heading to the orphanage.

Cory POV:

"Hey." Eric said as he, Josh and Sean sat down on the bench.
"Was that Lucas that just left?" Josh asked.
"Yea. He came to go off with Rachel to see Dean but Rachel couldn't go because she is sick with the cold."

I made tea and we talked for a while before Topanga came back. She went to check on Rachel and came back saying that she was asleep.

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