Chapter 5: Team Skull

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'Awww, Look at you, little Gladion. Aren't you just a real cool guy? Heh heh heh' We heard a smug voice call out. We turned around to see a man and a woman wearing a very familiar uniform walking towards us, they were making hand gestures as they moved 'Team Skull...' I growled at the two grunts who were sniggering behind their masks 'I guess it's no surprise a homeless kid would turn out spineless too, huh?' The woman scoffed. My growl grew into a snarl, I didn't like how they were making fun of Gladion 'No worries, we got enough backbone to cover for you.' the man snickered, he began to walk towards Sun and Hau 'What is he playing at?' I glared at the blue haired grunt 'Just give up already' Gladion sighed with his eyes closed 'You know you can't beat me. You'll just get your Pokemon hurt for no reason. They're good Pokemon' He growled as he looked at the grunt from over his shoulder.

'We came all this way and for what? For a big fat waste of our time, thanks to you. If you hadn't gotten in our way, we could've stolen the totem Pokemon from Brooklet Hill! Let's get outta here' The woman snarled as she walked away, the man followed but stopped a metre away from us 'Listen up good, Gladion' he snarled 'The boss does like you. That's true. But you're just some hired help we keep around for when we need you. You ain't part of Team Skull, not really. And you never will be. Got it?' he flashed Gladion a smug look before walking after his teammate 'The Nerve...' I growled at the grunt one last time before looking at my trainer. He had an expression which was between hurt and angry. He noticed I was staring at him and sighed 'I'm okay Null... Don't waste your time worrying' He patted my head, a little firmer than usual though. He sighed again and began to leave, with me following behind 'Gladion...' I rubbed my head against him sympathetically. he looked at me and smiled slightly, gently stroking my back.

As soon as we made it back to our motel room, Gladion collapsed onto his bed and groaned into his pillow 'Gladion... What that scum said really got to you huh?' I nuzzled his hand, which was hanging just off the mattress. He lifted his head up to stare at me with his emerald orbs 'What if that grunt was right... What if I never will be part of team skull...?' He frowned, holding his shaking hand. I sighed and jumped onto the bed, cuddling up to him 'Don't think like that, of course you're part of team skull. And even if you're not, I'm still here for you'

'I know you're trying to cheer me up... And I appreciate it... but still, I can't help questioning myself right now...' Gladion sighed and stroked my back before turning away from me 'Damn those grunts...' I growled. Everything was silent for a while... until 'Oh God, I just realized. Null you haven't been healed yet!' Gladion quickly sat up and gasped, before pulling out a full restore and started to heal me 'Wow... You are such a caring trainer, Edgelord' I rolled my eyes sarcastically and lay my head on the bed.

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