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So, this is the Epilogue.

The end of the book that made me (And possibly you, idk) ride a rollercoaster full of emotions. (Sobs)

This won't be the last book of the series. Don't worry.

But anyway. I can't thank you enough for sticking with me this long. I've had an absolute blast writing this book, so much I can't believe it's over...

I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for the encouragement I got from my friends, and of course YOU GUYS, I wouldn't have had the strength to continue. So yea, thank you. And I Luv Ya!

Know this, you all have a special place in my heart.

(Also thx for 7k... Luv you)

If you get bored while waiting for the next book 'Just Broken Lovers', you're more than welcome to look at my other books. Though they are for a bit more... mature viewers. Though you don't have to. It's totally cool.

I will probably do bonus chapters too, but in another book. As well as right a book about Megan's family (Maybe... Idk yet...) So stay Tuned!

Thank you all again. Cya later Cinnamon rolls


Sun became the first ever champion of Alola.

I can't tell you how proud Lillie, Hau, Rose, me, and even Gladion were of him. He's still champion to this day.

Hau took his grandfather's place as the Kahuna at the young age of 15, which took all of us by surprise. But hey, he does a pretty great job at it despite still being the Sunshine boy we all know and love.

Lillie left for Kanto a few days after Sun became Champion. Which upset all of us, especially Gladion, but we were happy she found something she wanted to do in life. She caught her own Vulpix before she left, which she named Dana (Pronounced Dayna), which made us even more proud of her.

Guzma became a trial captain, for Bug Pokemon if you hadn't guessed already. And he, along with Rose, taught Team Skull they can still be awesome without stealing Pokemon. Which actually worked. Speaking of Rose, she became one of my bestest friends ever due to how much we had in common.

Lusamine is getting better every single day. Gladion says that she acts almost like how she did before all the Ultra-Beast madness. Which is good. I like the new-- sorry I mean old Lusamine.

Matthew and Lizzy began working for the Aether Foundation, since apparently they had been living in the woods for a year and a half. Matthew even has a Fiance and Daughter now, Ashley and Emilee, and gave me the honour of being the little princess' Godmother. They both keep their masks on around us though. No idea why...

Another thing about Sun, he came out as gay. He's still hiding it from most of the world, but he was brave enough to tell his friends. Us.

Prince, my cute little Eevee, kept getting stronger and braver every single day. Until eventually, he evolved into the awesome, strong and graceful Umbreon I have now. He's still sassy though... *Groans*

And finally, Gladion and I, we took on the the Aether Foundation for Lusamine. Gladion as President and me as Vice-President. We've been able to help more Pokemon than ever before, and we're happy about that. But most of all, we're happy to be close to each other. We keep getting better every single day when it comes to letting down our walls. Oh, and best of all:



I can sing in front of literally anyone now. Gladion too. We became known for it all across Alola. We made a mother trucking title for ourselves! YEAAAAAH BOII!

I also became a trainer, having a full team of sweet, powerful Pokemon who I'm happy to call my friends. Including a Type:Null of my own.

Everyone's grown so much, yet they still remain the people I know and love. And I couldn't be happier.

This is the end of our story. But don't worry, when one book closes, another opens. For us, our Journey is just beginning. So stay tuned, maybe we'll see y'all soon.

Perhaps sooner than you think.

Okay that's the end of my little monologue. SAY ALOLA EVERYONE!

Everyone: ALOLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Everyone: OI OI OI!

Heh, laterz



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