Chapter 35: Pillow Fights and Cookies

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'Oh. It. Is. On!' Gladion snickered as he made slow steps towards me, causing me to step back. A worried smile was now plastered on my face.

'Oh scrunch mugrunch...' I gulped once I had noticed bloodlust in his eyes. He kept coming closer... and closer. And I kept backing up, until my back met with the wall. I silently cursed under my breath as Gladion stood right in front of me, with one palm against the wall. I could easily run away since there was space between us, but my legs wouldn't allow it. I was petrified.

Gladion's face came closer and closer, until I felt his breath against my skin. My face went bright red as I shut my eyes tightly, thinking he was going to kiss me, that was until I felt a powerful force hit me in the face.

'Payback!' Gladion snickered after he smacked me sideways with the pillow. I took a few steps to the side, trying to process what just happened. Once I realised, my blood began to boil as I stared daggers at the boy. 'Gladion. Aether. What The Hell?!'

He shrugged 'I needed to distract you somehow. Besides, it was funny seeing your face turn bright red.' He snickered.

'Are My Emotions Funny To You?!'


I gritted my teeth together, and bawled up my fists in annoyance. 'That's It!' I screamed as I changed into my Type:Null form and dashed towards the bed. There I tossed two pillows in the air and kicked them with force, causing them to collide with Gladion's stomach.

'That's not fair!' He frowned. 'No transforming!'

'Oh, I'm sorry.' I smirked 'But this battle has no rules!'

I grabbed another pillow and jumped off the bed, changing into human form in mid-air and attempting to hit Gladion in the face. But instead he dodged and grabbed me by the wrist.


(One Hour Later)

The two of us lay exhausted on the ground, with pillows scattered all around us. We stared tiredly at the ceiling, not knowing what to say. That was until we both exploded into laughter.

'Oh Man! Haven't had a pillow fight like that in years!' I giggled.

'Really? How come?'

'Well Luke, Laura and I used to this stuff like all the time. Until the accident...' I huffed. 'Then we... kinda stopped being fun.'


'Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make things depressing.' I said as I sat up and rubbed the back of my neck.

'It's alright. I don't mind.' Gladion replied. He too sat up, and gently ruffled my hair.

'Are you kids done with your pillow fight?' Wickie asked as she came in with a tray of milk and cookies.

'Yeah...' I trailed off, looking around the room to see the mess we had created. 'Sorry about the mess... and all the broken antiques...'

Wickie chuckled, before walking up to me and bending down, so her face leveled with mine. 'You know what, just this once. To hell with the antiques.'

Gladion and I laughed again, before staring into each other's eyes. We blushed slightly and gave a small smile, before finally noticing the tray Wickie was holding.


Gladion grabbed my arms and held me back, sighing 'You really are a child sometimes...'

Wickie laughed, and placed the tray on the floor in front of us. Before walking out 'Enjoy, don't be up too late.'

Gladion and I glanced at the tray, then at each other. 'Ladies first.' I smirked

'Oh, ha ha. Very funny...' Gladion frowned and rolled his eyes, before grabbing a glass of milk and three cookies. I proceeded to do the the same, except I grabbed five cookies instead.

'Don't be a Pignite...' Gladion rolled his eyes again, and took a sip of milk.

'Well, you...' I searched my brain for any comebacks, before sighing in defeat 'Shut up...'

I stared at my glass of milk and cookies, and smiled as a memory came into view.


'Okay, Megs. Cookies are ready!' Luke called as he placed the final chocolate chip treat on the plate.

'Coming, Onee-chan!' I replied while skipping down the stairs, with an Eevee under my arm. I sat up at the table and banged my tiny fists on the table, chanting 'Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!'

'Alright, alright. Don't be a Pignite.' The brunette laughed as he brought a plate, and a few glasses to the table. He then went back to the kitchen and came back with a jug of milk.

I stuck my tongue out at him, before giving a toothy grin and reaching out for the cookies.

Luke watched me eat messily for a while, before saying out of the blue:

'Megan, you know you're eight now right?'

'Yup! Im a big girl now!' I giggled before taking another bite.

'Well, most girls your age have friends to talk to. While you... don't really talk to anyone at school'

'I don't need other kids!' I stuck out my bottom lip 'I have you big brother!'

'Yeah but, making friends help you grow bigger and stronger. And it might help you become a better Pokemon trainer.'

'Ughhh, you're starting to sound like Mom!' I whined 'Okay, first off. What do friends have to do with becoming a trainer. Second off, I don't need to make friends to become stronger! I. Drink. Milk.' I pout, crossing my arms.

Luke blinked a couple of times, before lightly chuckling. 'Oh Arceus, stop being so adorable.' He facepalmed, smiling to himself.

End of Flashback

'Uhh, Megan? Are you still alive in there?' Gladion asked as he waved a hand in front of my face.

I snapped back into reality and smirked. 'Nope, I'm dead.' I told him before laying down and playing dead.

'Oh no...' He said sarcastically 'Should I wake you up with a kiss?'

I shot up 'Yes! I mean No!' (Wow, real smooth)

'Pfft, Oh Arceus' Gladion snorted, and ruffled my hair 'Stop being so adorable.'

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