Chapter 23: Getting answers

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(Still Gladion POV)

'Um, Wickie. Do you think we can stay here for tonight? We have a big day tomorrow. We have to save Guzma and Lusamine, which may be possible if we find the legendary Pokemon. Even if she is... Like that, Lusamine is still our mother. We can't just leave her in the beast world.' I explained to Wickie who nodded in response 'Of course, young master. But first we must get you and Megan cleaned up. You're both injured' She pointed at me, of course she was right. My upper arms were still bloody and Megan had wounds from when she was fighting against her mind control. 'Oh, right...' I mumbled 'Oh, also. Ms. Wickie do you think you can dig out some clothes for her? She's kinda naked under that blanket...' Sun asked, rubbing the back of his neck. Wickie giggled and nodded again 'Not to worry, I kept her clothes from before she changed form. In case the experiment ever wore off. Now children if you would please follow me, I will show you to your rooms'

'I would like to sleep in this room... Me and mother would sleep in here together when I was a child... before she lost her mind' Lillie whispered, sitting on the bed 'Not a problem, miss Lillie. I hope you sleep well.' Wickie bowed and walked out of the room, along with Sun and Hau 'Are you going to be okay?' I asked my sister, who had pulled her knees to her chest 'I'll be fine, Gladion. I just need to sleep right now... You need to get patched up' She smiled up at me. I nodded and kissed her on the forehead, before walking out. At the doorway Lillie called out to me again 'Gladion, take care of her...'

I turned my head slightly to look at her and smiled 'You know I will, even as a human she's still my partner'

(Megan POV)

'Ughhh, my head hurts...' I moaned as I sat up and rubbed my forehead. Realising something was different 'Wait a minute... I have hands?!' I stared in shock at my arms, I felt all over my body before throwing off the covers of the bed. 'Holy... I need a mirror!' I gasped as I jumped out of bed and ran to the other side of the large, white room. Finding a mirror on the wall I stared at myself, mouth wide open 'WHAT THE HELL?!' I screamed, gripping my long hair.

(Gladion POV)

I heard a scream from the room next to mine and rushed towards it 'Megan must be awake.' I smirked before stopping in front of Megan's door. I barged in to see her curled up in a ball, her head in her hands and her face in shock 'Hey... How are you feeling?' I asked as I put my hands in my pockets and walked up to her. She shot her head up to stare at me, which allowed me to see her true eyes for the first time. They were ocean blue with a hint of isolation in them, though right now they were filled with shock. 'Why aren't you shocked about this?!' She hissed as she stood up, she was slightly shorter than me. But only by an inch '... Well, I was shocked at first... But then Wickie explained everything' I replied.

(Megan POV)

'Damn it Wickie...' I sighed as I banged the back of my head on the wall, I refused to make eye contact with Gladion as he spoke again 'Can we talk? There are still some parts I don't understand' He asked as he lay his hand on my shoulder 'Sure... No point hiding stuff now' I murmured, a shadow went over my eyes. Gladion took me by the hand, sitting me on the bed. And then sat beside me and cleared his throat. I breathed in heavily to prepare for the conversation 'First of all, why didn't you tell me about this? It's nothing to be ashamed of.' He frowned. I stared down at my legs silently 'Starting with the one that hurts most, huh...?' I murmured as I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. Gladion grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, his emerald eyes pierced right through me. 'Tell me.' He ordered.

I let out a sigh and slumped my shoulders 'I didn't want to lose our partnership...' I murmured as I teared my eyes away from him. 'What...?' His hand dropped from my chin and he frowned in shock, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes 'We can't be partners if I'm human... It'll never work. Besides, I'm sure you hate me now...'

'Why would I hate you?' Gladion's frown grew.

(Time skip brought to you by Gladion's famous frown)

'And that's it... That's why I had all of those assumptions' I finished my LOOONG explanation how I knew he didn't get along with people and if he found out I was one he wouldn't want to be my friends anymore. Gladion stared at me in silence, processing what I had just said. 'Idiot...' He murmured, giving me a terrifying glare.

' He murmured, giving me a terrifying glare

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