Chapter 45: The Transformation gem

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Gladion and I sat there, cringing as more questions were thrown at me. Yeah transforming was a bad idea... (No Sh*t Megan)

'GUYS!' Gladion yelled, shutting them up. 'If you all would just stop throwing bags of questions at us maybe we'd be able to actually answer them!'

They quickly shut their mouths, thank Arceus, and raised an eyebrow at the blonde boy as if to tell him to spill the beans. He locked eyes with me for a moment, and mouthed 'You start' to me.

I sighed before turning to the confused trainers. 'So, as Sun and Lillie already know, I was a victim of one of the Aether Foundation's experiments. Which somehow made me half Pokemon.'

'Yeah we know. Ms. Wickie told us.' Sun stated, crossing his arms. 'But she didn't tell us how they managed to accomplish that.'

'Yeah I'm getting to that!' I barked. 'Anyway, Gladion and I recently found out that I can switch between my human and Pokemon forms at will. Though it is energy draining if I use it too much.'

'We decided to confront Wickie about this issue, since it seemed that she didn't really tell us the entire story.' Gladion continued 'She told us that Mo- Lusamine found an item that allowed people to transform into a Pokemon, if the Pokemon is inside it already. Her theory is that she somehow sucked a Type:Null into this item and merged it with Megan's heart. Giving her her abilities.'

'I guess that makes sense...' Lillie murmured, looking down. 'But what about the Type:Null that was used to give Megan these abilities?'

'It's still living inside me.' I stated, placing my large claw on my chest. 'Sometimes I even feel two hearts inside me instead of one.'

As if on cue, I felt another heart beating in my chest in time with my own.

'So... it's like you're pregnant with a Pokemon then?' Rose joked.

'That's exactly what I thought!' I snorted.

Just then, one of the Pokeballs on Rose's belt began to shake, making it detach and fall to the ground. The capsule opened, and let out the creature inside. There stood a large blue majestic Pokemon with piercing gold eyes and a wild black mane.

'Luxray!' Rose yelled 'What did I say about coming out of your pokeball without permission?!'

The Pokemon, said to be called Luxray, rolled her eyes and walked towards me. She then sat down in front of me and placed her large paw over my heart before closing her eyes. As if she was trying to sense something.

'What is it doing?' Sun whispered to Rose.

'I don't know.' she whispered back.

Soon, Luxray lowered her paw, and gave me a look of concern before taking her place next to her trainer. Did she know something I didn't? Why did she look so worried?

'Megan?' Gladion called 'Think you can turn back into your human form now?'

'But I don't wanna~!' I pouted. 'Besides I'm only wearing a... bra... on my... top... half... oh crap.'

Rose and Lillie stifled their laughs, making me glare at them, while Gladion and Sun's faces changed to a shade of red that would put a freaking tomato berry to shame.

'Boys get out so I can change. I'm not transforming with you in here.' I tell them blankly.

'Why n-' Sun began, but was cut off as Gladion, who's face was even redder and embarrassed than before, slapped his hand over his mouth. Thank Arceus...

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