Chapter 28: Just us two

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Gladion and I were silent as we departed, but once we were about ten minutes away Gladion spoke 'Hey, what you said to Lillie. Was it true? Do you really think what happened two years ago was your fault?'

I stared at him for awhile, before letting out a deep sigh 'Well yeah... if I just denied your offer to help me, you might not have left Lillie behind...' I rested my head on my palm, and stared out at the ocean.

'Then... why didn't you?' Gladion asked as he took a seat next to me 'I don't know... I just felt like I could trust you...' I smiled slightly, still avoiding his eyes. 'But you didn't trust me enough to tell me you're human...' he smirked.

'Look, I thought I was gonna stay that way forever. So it wouldn't matter...' I frowned, before yawning loudly 'I think I'm gonna take a nap...' I murmured, before closing my eyes and drifting off. Little did I know was I fell asleep on Gladion's shoulder.

I woke up to a strong scent tickling my nose, it smelt like... cologne 'Mm, what?' I yawned, opening my eyes to find Gladion was giving me a piggyback 'G-Gladion? Why are you carrying me?' I questioning with wide eyes.

'You fell asleep... I didn't want to wake you up' He replied. 'Seriously though, how are you so light?' he smirked.

'It's always been this way, I've never been a big eater...' I shrugged 'So err, you gonna put me down?'

'Oh, yeah sorry.' He apologised as he bent down, allowing me to slide off. 'Thanks. So, what do we need to sort out?' I asked as l looked around the Paradise.

'Well, there are a lot of Pokemon needing care here-'

'Say no more!' I smirked, running over to the railings to check out all the Pokemon 'Hey, Gladion. That's a Corsola right?' I asked while pointing at a small pink Pokemon perched on a rock.

'Yep, you wanna say hi?' Gladion smiled, pointing towards a gate. 'Hell yeah!' I yelled, punching the air.

Gladion laughed at my childish behaviour and walked over to the gate, opening it and letting me through. I slowly approached Corsola with caution, since they're known to be very timid. It soon spotted me and gave me a scared look, showing it didn't want me near it. Which was understandable. I knelt down and held out my hands, to show I didn't possess anything that posed as a threat.

'It's alright, you don't have to be afraid of me.' I whispered with a smile, causing the Pokemon to jump off the rock and take a step towards me 'She's right, she's a little annoying. But not dangerous' Gladion called out from under a tree. 'No One Asked You!' I yelled at him, growling at his smirk.

Corsola stepped closer and closer, slowly and cautiously to make sure I didn't try to hurt it. It climbed onto my knees and stared up at me with it's tiny eyes, finally smiling. 'Cors~' It sang. 'There, told you.' I smiled back as I gently patted its head.

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