Chapter 7: Thunderstorm

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'Get In Get In Get In' Gladion yelled as he opened the door to our motel room, we rushed in and slammed the door shut. Panting to get our breath back 'Sheesh, what angered the Gods enough to cause such a sudden heavy downpour?' Gladion smirked as he ran his hand through his wet hair. 'You said it Sister' I nodded in agreement as I shook off some of the rain. Gladion went over to the window and his eyes widened 'Holy... It's really coming down. It hasn't rained this hard for months' he chuckled in surprise. I bounded over to the window and pushed myself between it and my trainer, standing on my back two legs and placed my front two on the windowsill. 'woah... Yeah no kidding...' I gave a cry 'Welp, good thing we finished shopping when we did. From how things are now, it's probably safe to say that there's gonna be a thunderstorm soon' Gladion smirked before walking towards his desk 'Thunderstorm huh? I wouldn't want to be caught in tha- ACHOO' I sneezed loudly.

(Gladion POV)

'Null? You need a towel or somethin'?' I stared at the Pokemon with a smirk, who nodded in response 'Alright the- ACHOO... Great... now I've started' I sighed as I rubbed my nose. Null started to snicker at my action 'Oi, don't start!' I snarled, but it kept mocking me anyway 'Tsk, I'll be right back...' I mumbled before putting my hands in my pockets and walking into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me 'It has some nerve, making fun of me... Now, where'd I put those towels?'

(Megan POV)

'Welp, might as well make myself comfortable' I told myself before jumping onto Gladion's bed, laying down comfortably 'This may leave a wet patch... meh, I don't really care. It's not like I'm the one sleeping in this bed' I smirked, rolling on the soft sheets. But I stopped in my tracks when lightning crashed outside. Fear suddenly struck me as I stared at the window with shock 'W-What? Why am I scared? It's just lightning' I sat up, confused with myself. Another lightning strike, I backed away slightly. I was questioning myself on why I was acting this way when suddenly memories flooded into my brain, memories of the lab and the tests and... That experiment... I recalled the electricity flooding through my body, and the pain I went through. I swallowed a lump in my throat and started to shake, either from cold or fear. 'N-No... not that... I don't want to remember that' I whispered before laying my head on the bed and putting my front claws on top. (CRASH) Lightning struck a third time, causing me to scream.

(Gladion POV)

I finally found the towels, I grabbed two and was about to stand up when (CRASH) Lightning struck again, for the third time. Followed by a scream like cry coming from the other room, which sounded like... Oh God. 'NULL?' I swung open the door, looking around the room for my companion. I Caught a glimpse of something moving on my bed and focused my gaze there. And there, curled up and shaking all terrified. Was Null. 'Null are you alright?'

No answer


Still no answer

Another flash of lightning lit up the room, causing Null to yelp again. It's shaking increased and it's body tensed up.

(Megan POV)

'I see what this is, you're scared of thunder aren't you?' he asked softly 'I-I don't k-know...' I swallowed another lump and tried to breathe normally. My eyes were squeezed shut and my muscles were tensed. Suddenly I felt a soft object over my body and two arms pulling me close, one around my torso and the other around my head 'G-Gladion?' I let out a cry of confusion 'It's okay, it'll be over soon' He whispered as he stroked my head, which was still wrapped up in the towel. I flinched every time there was a lightning strike, and each time Gladion would hold me closer. His touch soothed me to the point I couldn't be scared anymore. Eventually I fell asleep in his embrace.

(Gladion POV)

Null was finally asleep, I sighed with relief knowing it wouldn't be kept up all night 'Seriously though... Why do you feel so different?' I whispered as I rubbed the Pokemon's neck. I smiled at the sight of it being peaceful and undisturbed. Soon I felt my eyes droop and I lay on my bed, Null still in my arms. And slowly I drifted off.

 And slowly I drifted off

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