Chapter 43: Thumb War

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(Sun POV)

Lillie and I had just obtained the Moon flute from exeggutor island, and were now on a boat back to Poni Island to finish our mission. I stared down at the two flutes we had obtained. Both of them seemed to radiate a powerful source of energy I couldn't describe whenever I touched them. It was exciting, this whole thing we had gotten ourselves into, but also pretty scary and dangerous. Especially after we learned about Gladion and Lillie's abusive past, and Megan's dark secret. I suppose this isn't as fun as it is nerve-wracking for the three of them.

I heard Lillie sigh beside me, which made me turn my head to look at her. She had her head down, staring into her open back where Nebby slept. I frowned, and lay a hand on her shoulder. She seemed to snap out of her little daze, causing her to look at me surprised.

'Hey... Are you okay?' I asked her.

'Yeah, I'm fine. Just... thinking...' she replied, sighing again. 'This has been quite the journey, hasn't it?'

'Yeah, especially for you and Gla-' I stopped myself, thinking I shouldn't bring up their past at this time. 'I-I mean... What do you think you're going to do after this?'

'What do you mean?'

'I mean after we get your mom and Guzma out of the Ultra Beast's dimension. Got any plans?'

She stared down at her lap, deep in thought for an answer. It was obvious she hadn't given it much thought, since she had spent most of her time as Professor Kukui's assistant and keeping Nebby hidden. After a bit, she made eye contact with me again and smiled.

'I want to travel.' She said 'I want to learn about all Pokemon as a Pokemon trainer, and learn about the Pokemon there.'

She was serious. I could tell by the determined spark in her emerald orbs as she explained her goals. It was like I was seeing a completely new side of her to the shy girl I met by the ruins. I couldn't help but smile.

'I think that's a perfect path for you!' I exclaimed, giving her a toothy grin.


'Of course! You should do it!'

Her smile grew wider, and a glimmer of hope was now visible in her eyes. 'What about you, Sun?' She asked.


Meanwhile, elsewhere

(Gladion POV)

'Here ya'll go.' Hapu smiled as she handed us each a cup of Tapu Cocoa, which we all gratefully accepted with a thank you. After everything that's been going on I think we deserve a nice warm beverage. Megan was sitting on the couch beside me, brushing my Sneasel's fur. While Rose sat opposite us on another couch.

'You're really good with that Sneasel, Gloria.' Rose complimented. 'What's your secret?'

Megan shrugged, her focus still on the Pokemon sitting on her lap. 'It's a gift, I guess... I've never really known why Pokemon act so calm around me...'

'Sne~' Sneasel smiled, enjoying the feel of the brush run through his fur. I leant over and patted its head, smiling only slightly.

I noticed Rose was glancing at Megan and I thoughtfully, frowning as if she didn't understand something. It was getting rather uncomfortable so I decided to confront her. 'Do you mind, Rose? Staring's rude.'

She widened her eyes, and turned her head to the side as if to pretend she wasn't staring. She didn't hide it well.

'Sorry...' she muttered. 'It's just... how are you two not a couple!'

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