Valentines Special

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'Megan! Megan! Wake up!' I heard someone yell as they jumped on my bed, I was so shocked my reflexes took over and I ended up Karate chopping them on the head. I heard the person scream 'OW' before falling down with a thud. Quickly scrambling to the edge of my bed I saw who the intruder was 'Lillie! Oh God I'm So Sorry!' I apologised as I helped the platinum haired girl to her feet. Soon after the door swung open and a very annoyed Gladion stormed in 'What happened?!' He growled. 'Uhh...' Me and Lillie stared at each other, wondering who would tell him. 'Tell him Megan' Lillie ordered as she pushed me towards him 'What?! You're the one who stormed into my room, yelling and jumping on my bed' I scowled as I pulled myself out of her hold 'Yeah but you're the one who Karate chopped my head!' Lillie snapped, we continued arguing and soon a spark of electricity could be seen forming between our glares. 'Girls!' Gladion yelled, causing us to freeze.

'Now, Lillie. What were you doing in Megan's room in the first place?' He asked his sister and crossed his arms 'Oh, well. Since it's so close to Valentine's day, I thought I would take her shopping. You know, cause maybe she has a special someone in mind?' Lillie giggled as she nudged my arm, which caused me to blush madly and look away. 'Oh... I see' Gladion murmured, sounding kinda disappointed 'Anyway, Megan why did you Karat-'

'Reflexes!' I quickly answered, my head still facing away from them. 'O...kay then. Did you apologise?' Gladion asked while raising an eyebrow 'Duh, of course I did.' I frowned before walking towards my closet 'What are you doing?' Lillie asked while tilting her head. 'You think I'm gonna go shopping in my pajamas?' I asked rhetorically. 'Oh... okay we'll get out' Gladion smirked as he dragged Lillie out of my room. 'Thanks Gladion' I called out to him as he closed the door. As soon as he left I let out a huge sigh. 'Special someone... ha, he'll never return my feelings if I tell him...'

(Gladion POV)

'Gladion, why did you look so disappointed when I said Megan may have a special someone?' Lillie asked me as we waited outside of the red/brunette girl's room 'Tsk, What are you talking about? Why should I care if she has a crush?' I growled, placing my hands in my pockets. 'Well, what if that someone was you?' Lillie giggled as she rocked back and forth on her heels. 'Pfft, please. There's no way that would ever happen' I smirked, masking the fact I was upset Megan liked someone. Soon the girl's door opened and the brunette walked out. Wearing a light grey sleeveless top, black shorts and dark grey trainers. And wore her hair in a ponytail with black sunglasses balancing on top of her head. The sight made me blush slightly 'Well, is this okay for our trip?' she asked Lillie, who was staring at her in awe 'Okay? You're kidding right? You look amazing, tell her Gladion.' My sister ordered as she pushed me towards the girl 'Y-Yeah, you look... (beautiful) fine...'

The wrong word came out, making me mentally scold myself. 'I... guess that's a complement' Megan smiled, though there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. She clutched the handle of her bag and walked over to my sister. 'So, ready to go?' she asked 'Yup, let's do it!' Lillie grinned as she took Megan by the wrist. 'Bye Megan. Bye sis.' I called out to them. 'Bye Gladion!' they waved back. I watched them walking and giggling until they were out of sight. 'You look... fine? Ugh, stupid. I guess it doesn't matter anyway, there's no way she'll ever feel the same way about me the way I feel about her...'

(Megan POV)

'So, Lillie. Who's your Special someone?' I asked teasingly, causing the younger girl to blush 'U-Um, no one...' she whispered, twiddling her thumbs. 'It's Hau, isn't it?' I smirked as I nudged her 'No!' The girl squealed as she hid her bright red face, causing me to chuckle 'Uh huh, then why did you wanna go Valentine shopping so bad?' I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms. 'B-Because... Okay you caught me. Maybe I want to ask Hau to be my Valentine...' Lillie slumped her shoulders in defeat. 'I Knew It! Oh My God I'm So Happy For You!' I laughed as I pulled her into a tight hug. 'But wait, why did you want to bring me?' I asked her.

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