Chapter 46: Nightmares suck!

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(Megan POV)

Everyone got into their beds, while I wriggled into the sleeping bag Sun had lent me for the night. I was right next to Gladion's bed, which was nearest to the window, because I didn't exactly feel comfortable around the others. Why? Well, I felt like I didn't know Sun and Lillie properly yet. And as for Rose... yeah no that's not gonna happen.

Rose turned off the light, since it was right by her bed. It was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything. I only heard the other's voices saying goodnight.

'Night guys~' Rose...

'Goodnight.' Lillie...

'Yea, night.' Sun...

'Night.' I yawned, turning away from them.



'Ugh... Night...'

We giggled at the teen's response, before going silent. And soon... I found myself drifting off into a dreamless sleep. least I wish it was...


It was dark...

It was cold...

And I was scared...

All I could see were crystals glimmering in the cave I was in, and all I could hear were cries of the creatures that called this place home.

I rubbed my arms for warmth, but it did nothing. My shaky breaths echoed as I continued to walk through the darkness, hoping to find some sort of light. Or better yet, an exit.

Then... I heard it. A loud scream of agony filled the area, making me flinch back. They continued, and little by little I began to recognise the voice.

'JUST GIVE UP!' A woman's voice shrieked


Wait... that voice... that's-


I bolted forward, desperately pushing through the thin air as I tried to find my partner. Thankfully, although his screams pained me, they helped me find my way through the cave.


I gasped at the sound of something colliding with the wall, along with the male's pained whimpers. He was close. I don't know how but I felt him near.

I turned the corner, swerving round pointed rocks to avoid collision. The more I did this, the louder the horrid sounds got.

'Horrid boy!'



The woman's voice continued to speak those words, which I assumed was aimed at Gladion.

I turned one last corner. And I came face to face with a monster.

Tentacles... black hair... crazed smile...

It's like I was staring a nightmare right In the face. And it was worse than I could ever imagine.


A whimper of pain came from the right of me, making me turn my head.

My irises shrunk in horror. Because laying a few metres away, battered, beaten and bloody, was the platinum blonde boy I cared so deeply for.

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