Chapter 31: You know you love me~

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'I'm so sorry. I didn't know...' Gladion whispered as he hugged me tightly.

'No... it's not your fault, I would have told you somehow anyway...' I sniffed, finding the boy's embrace comforting.

Gladion pulled me onto his lap, allowing me to rest my head on his chest. 'Gladion, why are you so nice to me?'

'What do you mean?'

'I mean that you always treat me with kindness, no matter what... even though I've done nothing to deserve it...'

'Oh hush...' Gladion whispered, pulling me closer 'You're like family to me... maybe even more than that'


'I- err, forget that last part.' He looks away, blushing.

'Corsola~' the Pokemon in my arms Sang, jumping up to sit on my shoulder.

'You know, you're really good at comforting people...' I smiled, while wiping my final few tears away.

'Well, I usually had to do this to Lillie when mother did bad things to her...'

'Oh... I forget that you don't have the greatest past either... sorry'

'Don't apologise, you have nothing to be sorry for.'



'Nothing, you just remind me of my brother is all...' I giggled as I cuddled up to his chest, blushing slightly.

Soon I pulled away, standing up and stretching. 'Thanks man, I feel much better now' I smiled.

'No need to thank me, I just did what any good person would do...' Gladion shrugged, though his cheeks were slightly pink.

We stared at each other for a while, before I averted my gaze and cleared my throat 'Well... you want lunch?' I asked, scratching my slightly flushed cheek.

'You can cook?'

'Pfft, of course I can cook!'

(Time Skip)

'Damn it! This was a bad idea!' I yelled as I spilled the pancake mixture on the already messy kitchen floor.

Gladion sat at the table, watching me fail in amusement 'You need help there, hun?' He snickered, resting his head on his palm.

'NO, no I can handle th- OW! HOLY SHHHHHINX AND EEVEES THAT HURT!' I yelped after dropping a frying pan on my foot. By this time Gladion was dying of laughter.

'I thought you said you could cook!' He managed to say, before covering his mouth.

(Yet another time skip...)

As soon as Gladion and I had finished cleaning up the kitchen, we decided to just take it easy in Gladion's room.

'Ughhhh, that was so embarrassing...' I moaned as I collapsed onto the bed. 'Well that wouldn't have happened if you just accepted my help from the start.' Gladion smirked.

'I have pride ya know!' I barked.

'Pfft, whatever. How's your foot?'

'Gladion, I managed to pull through abuse, experiments, battles, mind control, and Hau's non-stop smiling. I think I can handle a frying pan getting dropped on my foot.' I sat up and rolled my eyes, followed by a smirk. 'Not to mention all the edginess you've put me through over the two years we've known each other.'

Gladion grunted. 'Yep, I miss you being Null already...'

'I've always been this way, you just couldn't understand me before' I grinned mischievously.

'And I liked you better that way'

'Oh come on, you know you love me~'

'You wish, Megz'

'Ouch...' I pouted, gripping my shirt and pretending that actually hurt.

(I am SOOOOOOO this got uploaded so late ;-; *90 degree bow* I've just been so busy with school, it's my GCSE year after all. Plus I had writers block again... But hopefully I'll be back up to speed soon. Also If any of you have any ideas for a chapter, I would LOVE to hear them. KK, Silver Out. Peace!)

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