👻 My ghost encounters 👻

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Hey there my little Cinnamon rolls~

Silver here

So last chapter was pretty deep, huh?

Well... Because of the effort I put in to make it as blood boiling as possible, I'm currently brain dry of ideas for the next chapter. So I'm not gonna be posting one this week... I am deeply sorry.

Buuuuut, instead of that I wanted to tell you guys a bit about me. More specifically about some of the experiences I've gone through.... In the supernatural genre 😱👻

That's right, I've had encounters with the paranormal. Which is why I both believe and have gained a large interest in it over the years. And no, I don't mean small occurrences that could just be my mind playing tricks on me (Because it's a mean turd... Bad brain)

I mean Biiiig encounters that still make the hairs on the back of my neck stick up thinking about them. *Shivers*

So yeah. I'll be telling you of three of these experiences like a story (OMG Author~Chan is telling ghost stories)

Gather round children, get comfy, and grab your favourite blankets and stuffed animals to cuddle.

#1: The shadow...

I was ten years old, and was still in Primary school when this happened. The teachers decided to take my entire year (Year 6) to stay in a manor located in North Wales for a week. So they talked to the owners about it, who seemed totally cool with the idea, and set a date.

We arrived there on May 3rd 2012 (I think. This was a very long time ago) and were all really excited to start exploring. And we did. We had a blast.

But... On the third night of our stay, I sensed something wasn't right about my dorm while my friends and I were getting ready for bed. So I asked them if they felt it too.

My best friend at the time, Anna, told me it was the probably just me feeling homesick and slightly uncomfortable with the new atmosphere. Which I was pretty sure wasn't the case, but at the time I thought she knew everything and tried to shrug off the feeling.

So we went to bed and went to sleep like normal... Until later that night.

I felt a weight on top of me, and two hands pinning me to my bed causing me to wake up immediately. But I immediately regretted it.

Hovering over me, pretty much straddling me, was a shadow. From what I remember about it its body shape seemed to be male. So that's how I'm going to address him.

The figure's face was inches away from mine, making his long hair tickle it. His nails felt long and dug into my wrists slightly, but not enough for the skin to tare. And his eyes glowed in the dark, exposing their crimson colour to me. He seemed to be whispering some kind of ritual, which somehow kept me from struggling or screaming. After a minute of this, he disappeared and was able to move again. But was unable to talk for the rest of the night.

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