Chapter 33: Gladion the star

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(Megan POV)

Wickie placed her hands on her hips. She glared at Me, and let out an angry exhale. Which made me shrink back in fear 'Uh... I mean... Okay I'll shut up...' I pouted, averting my eyes and flicking my hair out my face.

'Yeah you really don't want to make the woman mad...' Gladion whispered to me.

'Yeah no kidding... she can be really scary' I whispered back, taking another quick glance at the purplette.

'Anyway, Megan there's something I want to show you.' Wickie's smile returned as she picked up a box from the other side of the door.

'If it's about my stage fright, I ain't interested...' I frowned, pulling my knees up to my chest.

'Trust me, you'll find these interesting' She giggled as she walked towards the bed, placing the box on top.

'Uh, okay?' I smiled awkwardly, staring at the box with confusion.

'I'll be right back, you girls start without me' Gladion said as he stood up and walked towards the door.

'Let me guess, it's nature calling isn't it?' I smirked, which caused the boy to freeze.

'Uh... BYE!' He yelled before rushing out the room.

I snorted at his action, before walking over to the box and opening it. It seemed to be filled with photos of someone.

I picked one up, and on closer inspection I could see who the picture was of.

'T-That's Gladion!' I blinked in shock 'But he looks so different'

I examined every inch of the Gladion in the photo, and he was nothing like the Gladion I currently knew. His eyes were much softer than the piercing orbs I was familiar with, his clothes were white and fancy looking, his hair... well that was the same, and his smile... dang did he look good with a smile.

'Wow... I've never seen Gladion like this before, he's really changed, huh?'

'Yes, so much it's scary...' Wickie gave a sad smile as she picked up another one of the photos.

'Hold on, is he on a stage? And why is he holding a microphone?' I asked, frowning in confusion.

'Ah, yes. The reason I wanted to show you these... is because, Gladion used to be a performer in Aether Paradise.'

'WHAT?! Are you serious?'

Wickie laughed at my reaction and placed a hand on top of my head. 'I'm guessing you weren't expecting that'

'Not from him, he doesn't seem like the type that performs'

'Who doesn't seem like the type that performs?' someone asked.

Wickie and I turned our heads towards the door, finding Gladion leaning against the frame with his arms crossed.

'Um...' I gulped, slowly hiding the picture behind my back and staring at him blankly. 'I'm not giving it back!' I quickly stated.


'No!' I pouted, sticking my tongue out at the teen.

'Wickie, what did you show her?' he frowned at the woman as he started walking closer.

'Oh nothing, just some pictures of you in your performer years.' Wickie chuckled.

'WHAT?!' Gladion blushed bright red as he glared daggers at me.

'Megan, run!' Wickie whisper yelled.

'Huh- WOAH!' I quickly moved back as Gladion tried to grab the photo from behind my back.

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