Chapter 36: Pervert!

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'Megan, Wake Up!' Gladion urges while shaking my shoulder. I roll over and swat his hand away, not bothering to open my eyes.

'Megan! Up! Now'

I feel the covers get pulled off my body, causing my eyes to shoot open. I glared at the boy, only to see he was staring at my body, blushing. Understandable since all I was wearing was a black vest top and white shorts.

'Like what you see?' I smirked, sitting up and crossing my arms.

'What? N-No, I just-' Gladion stopped himself, crossing his arms and looking away. And even making his famous scowl appear on his face. 'Tch...'

'Lighten up, 'Madion.' I was joking.' I chuckle and swing my legs over my bed, standing up and smoothing down my hair. 'But anyway, what are you doing in my room?' I cross my arms again

'Well, now we know you can change forms. We can train.'

I stare at him from over my shoulder with uninterested eyes, and yawn purposefully to tick him off. 'No thanks...'

'Who's the trainer here?'

'Ughhhh!' I groan, while slouching. 'You can't make me...' I pout.

'I can if you get Malasadas as payment.' He replied, and smirked a soon as I perked up.

'Damn it Edgelord...' I murmured, before turning round and meeting his gaze. 'Fine... we can go. But first let me take a shower I haven't had one of those in AGES!'

'Seriously...?' Gladion's eyes narrowed, and he raised an eyebrow. Basically he was making the 'I am Judging you' face.

'Oh, come on! I'm a woman and therefore need to shower every once in awhile!'

'It rains every once in awhile, so-'

'That doesn't count and you know it.' I state in a dark tone.

(Gladion POV)

'That doesn't count and you know it!' Megan growled darkly, causing a single shiver to shoot up my spine.

'Okay, okay jeez. Bathroom's third door to the left...'

She smiled and grabbed some clothes out of her backpack, along with a white towel, and skipped out into the hall 'Thanks, Hun!' She called.

'Wait. You. Forgot. Your... Damn it...' I murmured as I glanced at the piece of underwear she had dropped, which was now laying spread out on the floor.

'Huh...' I say as I stare at it in interest, with a slight blush. For some strange reason women's underwear had always fascinated me. (Yes, Gladion's a Perv. Deal with it) 'Pink with stripes, huh?... never thought she'd wear that combination-'

'Gladion...' Someone growls.

'Aw, s**t...'

I turned around slowly to see Megan staring at me with disgust. She had her hair tied up in a messy bun, and a Hairbrush in her hand.

'You... Edgy...'

Here it comes, a whole lot of pain...

'PERVERT!' The brunette screamed as she threw the Hairbrush at me. It collided with my forehead, and I fell to the ground. The last thing I remember before passing out, was stars.


I groaned and rubbed my forehead, before fluttering open my eyes. There was a bandage wrapped around my head, which was probably from the Hairbrush.

I rolled over to my side, only to see a familiar figure leaning against the wall next to my bed.

'Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty.' She smirked. 'Enjoy your beauty rest?'

'Shut up...' I murmured, sitting up and placing a hand on my forehead. I soon winced in pain as my palm came into contact, causing me to curse under my breath.

'Did you really have to throw a Hairbrush at me?!' I snapped.

'Did you really have to stare at my panties like they were treasure?!' She countered, pushing off the wall and placing a hand on her hip.

I opened my mouth, but closed it again since I had no comebacks. I grunt in defeat and stare at her.

'I win this time, Edgelord.' she smirked. Making me huff in annoyance. She then cleared her throat and yelled: 'Wickie! He's awake!'

The purple haired woman walked in, smiling at Megan and I 'Good, I was starting to worry a little.'

'Yeah yeah... Can I please take a shower now?'

'Knock yourself out...' I shrugged, pointing at the door with my thumb.

'Thanks, Ciao!' She grinned, and waved at Wickie and I before skipping out of the room.

'So... Young Master,' Wickie started as soon as Meg left, she turned to me and shot me with a paralysing glare. 'Mind telling me why you were glancing at Megan's panties?' she asked in a dark tone. Yup... she was pissed.

'Oh crud...' I gulped.


'Honestly, men have no respect for privacy lately- YOUNG MASTER ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!'

'Huh? Whut?' I snapped back into reality, raising an eyebrow at the purplette. She puffed her cheeks and huffed in annoyance. She had been ranting on for the past fifteen minutes, which I grew bored of eventually and therefore zoned out.

'Okay, I'm back.' Megan said cheerfully as she walked in, and leaned against the doorframe 'What did I miss?'

I blushed at her appearance, since what she had on made her look really cute *cough*Hot*cough*. She wore a black Set It Off shirt, with a red unbuttoned lumberjack shirt on top, black ripped jeans, and her usual red trainers. She also had her hair brushed to one side, which covered half of her face.

I cleared my throat as soon as I stopped staring at her attire in awe, and decided to answer her question. 'Just Wickie ranting on about how I should be more of a 'gentleman''

'Pfft,' Megan snorted 'As if...'


'Joking, joking... no need to be so uptight.' She smirked as she placed her hands in her pockets. 'Anyway, we gonna train?'

'Uh, ahem?' I cough and point to the bandage on my head.

'Oh, come on stop being a baby. You're fine.' She states and rolls her eyes before walking out.

'Uhh, Last Thing I Remember. You Didn't Want To Train!' I snapped.

'Yeah, But I'm Getting Malasadas Out Of It!' She yelled back from down the hall.

'Oh dear Arceus...' I groan as I climb out of bed 'Fine I'm Coming!'

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