Chapter 40: Realisation

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(A/N: Okay, I know I said only one chapter of a story per week. But as it's my last week of school EVER, I needed something to get my mind of that reality somehow. Because I ain't ready to grow up yet! But yeah, you guys get a new chapter with a l'il bit of romance~ So yeah, enjoy my little cuties <3)

(Megan POV)

After healing me, Gladion decided it would be best to take a small walk to cool our heads. Since it was now sunset the routes should be rather pretty to look at.

'There.' Gladion pointed towards a tree. 'That seems like an ideal spot to transform, unless you want to stay as Silvally for a while?' He looked at me questionably.

'Nah, I'll change... Don't want to attract too much attention to myself.' I shrug, before walking behind the large Palm tree. I pictured my human self in my head, and soon I felt the familiar dizziness which confirmed I had transformed. I looked down at my hands and smiled slightly, and emerged from the shadows towards my friend.

'Hey.' I smiled

'Hey.' He replied.

There was about ten seconds of silence, before both of us erupted with cheers and squeals as we ran towards each other. Gladion wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up, spinning round​ in a circle while I had my arms round his neck.

'I still can't believe you evolved!' Gladion beamed. Man I haven't seen him this happy since... well forever.

'Nor can I. I was just thinking about how much I trusted you and BAM! Evolution~' I grinned, and Gladion laughed at my exaggerated hand gesture.

'Well, I'm happy you trust me.' He smiled sincerely, making me blush.

'Y-Yeah, whatever! Now are you gonna put me down?' I frowned, realising he still had my feet off the ground. (A/N: Hehe, that rhymed :3)

'I don't know. I'm kinda liking getting to hold you like this.' He shrugged, his cheeks were now pink too.


'I-I mean... ugh, sorry...' he murmured, turning his head away and placing me down. Though his arms were still holding onto my waist.

'Hey don't worry ​about it, dude. Did I say it was uncomfortable? I don't think so!' I smirked, pinching his cheeks which made him chuckle.

'Yeah I guess not...'

Soon, our foreheads touched once again, like they did just after I evolved, and our eyes met. His bright emerald orbs showed kindness and passion, but that only masked the pain he carried from when he was a child. It still hurt my heart just thinking about what this boy had been through.

'Megan... I...' He began, but for some reason he didn't finish. Next thing I knew​, the two of us slowly began leaning in closer, and our lips were about to meet, until:

*Ring* *Ring*

Gladion's phone began ringing ('Cause that's not f***ing cliché at all!) Causing him to pull away and remove one of his hands from my back to take the device out his pocket. He looked at the contact and raised a brow. 'Wickie? What could she want?' He murmured while unwrapping his other arm from my waist. 'Hold on Megs I gotta take this.'

'M'kay.' I shrugged, and gave him a thumbs up before standing under a palm tree. Then realisation hit me like a stampede of Touros.

'Holy Shinx and Eevees! We almost kissed! Omygosh Omygosh OMYGOSH!'

My face turned fifty shades of red, and I hid it in my hands from embarrassment. In the background I could hear Gladion talking to Wickie, he didn't sound too pleased....

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