Chapter 42: Are you two... a thing?

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'Okay so,' I started as soon as we left the docks. 'Find Sun and Lillie to help them finish this mission... where do we start looking?'

I got no response, which annoyed me a bit, so I looked to my right which was where Gladion stood. He seemed a bit off, the way he was staring off into space.

'Oi, Edgelord!' I yell, nudging him which seemed to wake him up. He stared at me wide eyes, like I killed his Pokemon. Oh wait... I am his Pokemon...

'What?' He growled. Wow what crawled up his butt and died...

'Wow sorry!' I frowned, holding my hands up 'I just wanted to ask you where we should look for our friends!'

'How am I supposed to know where my sister and her friend is?'

'Well I don't know! You know her better than I do! Jeez it was just a question!'

He paused for a moment, probably to calculate his answer, until his face finally softened. 'Sorry...' he muttered. 'Just... I'm a bit worried about mother. And Lillie...'

'It's alright...' I smiled slightly 'And I'm sorry for snapping at you.'

Remember when I said we never stayed mad at each other for long? Well this is no exception.

'Well anyway... maybe we should ask around to see if maybe anyone's seen them?' The boy suggested, making it sound like a question.

'Oh yeah that's a great idea.' I said sarcastically 'What are we going to ask? "Hey have you seen two eleven year olds? One has black hair and a blue striped shirt, and the other has platinum hair and looks like this doofus"?' I point towards the person in​front of me, making him facepalm at my goofy fake accent and exaggerated hand gestures​.

'Yeah pretty much...'

'Well I-'

'Um, excuse me?'

I was cut off by a voice coming from behind me, making me turn around. There stood a very short girl, about my age, with brown curly hair that fell to her shoulders, large sparkly grey eyes, and tannish skin. She wore a black tank top that caused her stomach to pop out, brown shorts, and black pumps on her tiny feet. She also wore a heart-shaped pendant around her neck.

'Yes?' I ask, raising an eyebrow.

'I heard you were looking for a boy with a striped shirt and a girl with platinum hair?'

I looked down at her, because I was waaay taller than her, and frowned. 'Well that's not creepy at all... yes, I did say that. Why?'

The girl smiled, and rocked back and forth on her heels. 'Because I saw them with the kahuna a few minutes ago. Their names are Sun and Lillie, right?'

Yeesh, this girl knows how to eavesdrop...


'Yep, that's them. I can take you to the kahuna's house if you want?' she grinned, while pointing behind her at nothing in particular.

I wasn't sure whether I should trust her or not. One, because she seemed way too happy. And two, who the hell eavesdrops on strangers' conversations?

'Um, hold that thought.' Gladion spoke up, tugging on my arm. 'Just gotta talk to my buddy about something.'

'Oh, okay.' the girl shrugged, still smiling as Gladion led me to the other side of the docks. Once we stopped, he faced me with a serious expression on his face.

'Are... you okay, Frenchfry?' I ask, tilting my head.

'I don't think we should trust her.' He exclaimed, ignoring the fact I called him Frenchfry. 'I mean, it seems awfully convenient she shows up exactly when we need something and knows exactly what we're looking for.'

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