Chapter 56: Lizzy and Matthew

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After being checked out of the Pokemon Center, L, MD, Gladion and I decided it would be best if we discussed my situation at the cafe. We didn't order anything, because what happened earlier kinda made us all lose our appetite, but instead sat at a table. I explained everything from the experiment, to my evolution after my battle with L. Somehow, MD didn't seem too surprised about that part, like he saw it or something. Eh... I don't care.

'And that pretty much brings us to the present day...' I finished, spinning an empty glass around with my index. I didn't look up at the two brunette's, since they were sitting opposite Gladion and I, and just stared down at the table. My chin rested on my palm, as I allowed the two to process my story. After about a minute of silence, MD spoke up.

'If you don't mind me asking... How exactly did Lusamine get her hands on you in the first place?'

I stopped spinning the glass, my eyes squinted, and my lips parted slightly as I withdrew a sharp breath. 'She... Picked me up on the streets. I guess she thought snagging a homeless person would be better, because that way no one would come looking for them... Serves me right I guess.'

'You were homeless...?' L asked, actually sounding concerned for once.

'That is correct. I had been for about a year before the whole thing happened. How I survived that long is still kind of a mystery to me.' I shrugged. 'I suppose you're wondering how I became homeless now, huh?' I looked up at them through my bangs. They replied with a 'yeah', causing me to sigh. 'I left my home under my own accord. I'm not gonna go into much detail into why, but let's just say I thought it was the best option at the time.'

'Why would you think that...?'

'Because I didn't have a very good relationship with my family. Well... remaining family. And the only one I was on good terms with was too worried to leave me, even though they were the one keeping us on our feet. I figured, if I left, things would be better for them. They wouldn't have to worry about me getting b-... into trouble. And they would still be able to take care of the rest of my family. Bear in mind I was only ten at the time so-'

'No it's fine, we understand.' MD spoke up, cutting me off. I looked fully up at him, but something caught me off guard. His eyes were glossy, as if he was going to start crying, and so was L's. Was it something I said?

'Are... you crying?' I asked surprised, blinking at them.

'Oh! No, sorry. You just... remind me of our-'

'Someone important to us, who we haven't seen for years.' L cut him off, rubbing her eyes before standing and grabbing her brother's arm. 'Can you excuse us for a moment?'

'Uh, sure.' Gladion nodded, after not saying anything the entire conversation. The two left the table and disappeared around the corner, leaving the blonde and I alone. 'Do you think they're going to be okay?' he asked.

'I hope so...' I murmured, looking down at my knees.


Laura pulled me further away from the table we were sat at, until we found ourselves outside. We stopped by a palm tree, not too far away from the center, before Laura finally let go of my arm. She didn't turn to face me, but stood with her back turned and her muscles tense.

'Laura...?' I murmured, placing my hand on her shoulder. She let out a shaky breath.

'I don't think we should tell her.' She said bluntly.

I was taken aback and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 'Why not?'

'Didn't you see her when she spoke about why she ran away? She was trembling, Luke.'

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