Just some Klance headcanons I think you all might like ;)

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Howdy! (I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower! ...sorry. It had to be done) I just wanted to let you all know that before you read this story, it will contain some spoilers for VLD season 2 :D

Lance claiming there's a rivalry between him and Keith and Keith didn't know who he was.

Lance and Keith having bickering about random things.

Lance and Keith trying to out-do each other.

Lance and Keith having a food fight with the rest of the crew and they end up laughing and Lance admits that he doesn't actually hate Keith.

Lance and Keith still bickering, but not as much.

Lance gets in a coma to save Coran, and Keith gets locked out of the castle with Allura.

Keith getting inside the castle and protecting Lance.

Lance waking up from the coma to save Keith.

Keith and Lance sit on the ground and hold hands and Lance says they are a good team and Keith smiles.

Lance is placed in a healing pod and everyone is gathered around and Keith gets impatient.

Everyone gathering away from the pod, except Keith (just for a few seconds, anyway)

Lance emerging from the coma and flirts with Allura. Keith rolls his eyes, crosses his arms and mumbles 'classic' and jealous like.

Crew explaining how they helped and Lance teases Keith saying the mice did more than him.

Keith getting offended and saying they had a bonding moment and how he cradled him in his arms.

Travel to another planet where Lance is flirting with an alien named Nyma while Keith is in the background, avoiding them.

Lance and Nyma in the blue lion and when Lance says that they should probably head back, Nyma says maybe Keith will give her a ride around the moon. Lance talked about Keith.

Nyma handcuffs Lance to a tree and Lance expects something kinky, but she steals the blue lion.

Lance asking his friends for help, and Keith gets the blue lion back.

Keith teasing Lance by saying how the power is cutting out.

Lance proceeds to call Keith 'buddy' and 'my man'

Keith saves Lance from being sucked into space

Keith and Lance wandering the castle in search of the other crew members

Keith and Lance battling Zarkon and being sucked into different sections of space

Keith and Lance are separated and are doing their own things

Getting back together and waiting around the healing pod, waiting for Shiro

Keith freaking out that he might be galra

Keith talking to Coran about something outside Lance's room and mentions the blue lion

Lance coming out of his room wearing a robe, slippers and a face mask accusing Keith of wanting the blue lion

Lance saying that the blue lion and him are very happy with each other and closes the door

Lance going to swim in the pool and Keith joins him

Keith says they'll stay on different side far away from each other

Power goes out and they're stuck in a small elevator that is now dark

Linking arms and climbing up the wall trying to find an exit


Lance and Keith find small vent and look at each other

Keith kicks it down with his fantastic looking foot and they slide down

They land on top of each other because the pool is on the ceiling

They stand around for a little bit

Ship turns upside down and they almost drown

Find a way back to control room

Start fighting aliens with small robotic fighting bots from the control room

Keith saving Lance's robot

Lance getting annoyed and repeatedly hits Keith's robot to the point where it looks like the robots are kissing

Keith starts yelling at everybody on the crew and Lance tries to calm him down

Keith finding out he's a galra

Lance not really giving a shit that Keith's a galra

Lance excitedly explains the plan to Hunk (who was asleep) while dancing and shakes his ass in front of Keith who rolls his eyes

Fighting Zarkon and -

oh wait

Did I just explain Klance from season 1-2 in the form of headcanons that are... well, canon?

Golly, I hadn't even noticed because they seemed so FANFICTION LIKE.

What a silly turnip I am!

But seriously wtf Keith why do your feet look so amazing do you get pedicures twice a week like DAMN I have podophobia (fear of feet... don't ask why. I've always been afraid of feet) but damn Keith seriously

Stay awesome fabulous t-rexs!

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