I'll be there

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It wasn't a surprise that Lance liked Keith as a more than friend way. Practically everyone knew, except Keith himself. The oblivious moron.
Lance and Keith were extremely close. They'd both go so far as to say they're best friends.

What a surprise.

Lance wanted nothing more than to hold Keith's hand and cuddle with him and kiss him, but unfortunately life isn't like that. You can't just proclaim your love to someone and expect it to go well.
Was Lance in love with Keith? He didn't know. What he did know was that his feelings for the boy were very strong and he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Earth to Lance? Come in, Lance," A voice said. Lance snapped out of his trance and looked over to his right. Keith was sitting very close to him.
"Listen, I want to tell you something and it's really important, so I would appreciate it if you could listen," Keith said. Lance nodded and shifted so he was facing Keith.

"I'm all ears," Lance said as he pointed to his ears. Keith rolled his eyes... His perfect... Purple...

"Lance, if you don't start paying attention, I'm going to rip your arms off," Keith said. Lance squealed and held his arms with his hands.
Keith took a shaky breath.
"So, you know Rolo? From school?" Keith asked. Lance nodded.
"Well... He kinda asked me out on a date. And I kinda said yes," Keith admitted. Lance blinked a few times.

"What?" He asked. Keith sighed.

"Lance, you know I'm gay as fuck for Rolo. At least, I think... I'm planning on going at least one date with him." Keith said. Lance stared at him.

"I had no idea you were gay for Rolo," Lance said. Keith blushed a bit.

"I am a little bit gay for him. I keep telling myself I'm totally gay for him, but I know I'm not. That won't stop me from going on a date with him, though." Keith said, matter of factly. Lance sighed.

"Well, I can't stop you. When's your date?" Lance asked. Keith was explaining the plans, but Lance couldn't stop thinking. Keith had never expressed an interest in Rolo. Ever. Lance didn't even know that Rolo knew Keith existed. Yes, Lance was jealous, but he wasn't going to stop Keith. It was his life and Lance wasn't going to ruin anything, even if it would make him feel better.

After a few more minutes of Keith talking, Lance took a pillow and three it at Keith. He stopped talking to look at Lance, who was smiling like an idiot. Keith smirked and took the pillow, hitting Lance with it. Lance squealed as he grabbed another pillow, and soon, the two boys were at war with each other.
Lance ended it by saying he was hungry, and that was that. They went to the kitchen to make a cake because why not? They both really over cake, so it made sense.

After a flour fight, they put the cake in the oven and chilled out while listening to music.

After a few more hours of goofing around and eating cake, Keith had to leave.

Lance hugged Keith tightly.
"Have fun on your date." He said. Keith hugged back just as tightly.

"Well, I'll do my best. You know I'm not one for fancy shit." Keith said with a giggle.

"Oh, I know all to well. Remember that time Hunk took all of us out to eat at... Shit, what was that place called?" Lance asked.

"I don't remember, but I know what you're talking about. I do not wish to repeat the fish incident." Keith said with a shudder. Lance laughed at the memory. He squeezed Keith one more time before they pulled away. Keith waved goodbye and walked down the street. Lance frowned and walked up to his room.

He knew that Keith going on a date wasn't going to change anything between them, but Lance still worried. Rolo was one of the more... Popular kids at school and popular people tended to be a bit... He didn't want to use the word 'rude' because not every popular person is rude but... That seemed to be the only word to come to mind. Rolo seemed like a good enough guy, though.

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