klance asks and dares day #2

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Yes, I made that edit. Your welcome.

baby_aint_got_back asks: Keith, how do you feel about Lance being pregnant?

Keith: Whoa, you're pregnant? am I going to be a dad?

Lance: *face completely red* Keith... The others don't know that were together...

Pidge: They do now.

Kuron: Congratulations, you two!

Hunk: Yeah, it was bound to happen.

Allura: I knew for a long time.

Coran: Yes, me as well.

Lotor: Me too.

Acxa: Me three, whats-your-faces.

Ezor: Oh, I knew too.

Zethrid: About time you admitted! Now, all we need is Acxa and Ezor to come out!

Acxa and Ezor: *jump back* whAT

Narti: *signing* I knew for a long time now.

Lance: Wow, we're not good with secrets, are we?

Keith: I guess not. Now, back to the matter of your pregnancy...

Lance: Keith... I'm a boy. I can't get pregnant.

Keith: Oh. Right.

shadowstar51115 Says: Keith, dye your hair red, Pidge, use the speakers to play the team's least favorite songs as loud as you can.

Keith: *sighs* if I have too... *walks away*

Pidge: *giggling* I like the way you think...

Pidge: *plays the songs 'making my way downtown', 'whistle', 'Barbie girl', and 'Titanium '*

Keith: *covering his ears and walks into room to see everyone on the ground crying*

Keith: *flips next to Lance and starts crying as well*

Lance: Keith!? You dyed your hair! I like it! You know what I don't like???

Lance: *glares at Pidge* Her.

Pidge: *shrugs*

hexyah says: I dare Lotor to shave his head and for Keith to get a pixie cut.

Keith: What? No! I refuse!

Lotor: Wimp. I'm not going to shave my hair, but I will cut it. I never liked it, anyway.


Lotor: *in locked bathroom* DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO

Lotor: *emerges from the bathroom*

Lotor: *emerges from the bathroom*

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SmolWeeabitch says: to Lotor and Lance- What do you think of Lancelot?

Lotor: um... No.

Lance: *puts on sunglasses* fuck this shit I'm out.

Lance: Don't mind me, imma grab my stuff and leave scuse me please *picks up Keith*

Lance: I don't know what the fuck just happened.

Lance: But I don't really care, imma get the fuck up out of here.

Lance: *runs out of room*

Lance: *screaming* FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT.

magnus-the-magnus asks: to everyone- What are your sexualities?

Lance: I'm Bi as fuck and proud as fuck. 

Keith: I'm just really gay.

Hunk: I'm straight but love all of my friends who are LGBTQA+!

Pidge: I'm asexual and will fight you. 

Kuron: I'm pansexual.

Allura: I am bi.

Coran: I'm gay.

Lotor: I'm gayer than Keith.

Keith: Is that a challenge?

Ezor: I'm pansexual, everyone is just so adorable!

Acxa: I'm bi.

Nart: *signing* I'm straight.

Zethrid: HA! Who has time to date anymore!? I don't need a man or woman!

Lotor: So... you're asexual?

Zethrid: Hell, yeah!

Pidge: In asexual's defense, not all of us hate the idea of being in a relationship. We just don't feel sexual attraction. 

Lotor: Please comment some more asks and dares, and go crazy. 

Damien (Moi): Hey! I know, this chapter was a little bit later getting published than usual. Sorry. 

Damien: But, hey. The whole week is going to be off whack. I could publish in the morning, middle of the day, night, literally any time.

Damien: Also, I'm not sure every chapter will have pictures, my tablet has been acting up. 

Damien: So, sorry. 

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