Texts 9 except it's spOoKy

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Keith: LANCE

Keith: LANCE

Keith: LANCE

Lance: Keith, I was sleeping, what do you waNT

Keith: It's hAllOwEeN


Lance: Kee, pleASE let me sleep

Lance: Aaaand you're at my door. 

Matt: Shiro

Matt: Shiro

Matt: It's Halloween!!!

Shiro: Hun I'm already fifteen steps ahead of you I got all sorts of candy costumes and pranks

Matt: This is why we're soulmates

Shiro: Hell yeah

Matt: So, Lance. I have a mission for you. 

Lance: Ugh if this is some sort of wild goose chase for candy I'm going to rip your arms off and beat you over the head with them

Matt: Ooh, you're in a spooky mood already.

Matt: Here's your mission

Matt: Find all the purple candy and you will receive a sweet surprise.

Lance: What? What is this

Matt: Just do it

Matt: Make your dreAMS COME TRUE

Pidge: So, Hunk, what're you going as for Halloween?

Hunk: Is there much to dress up as? I mean, we're in space so our options are limited. 

Pidge: Are you telling me that you're not going to use your mad sewing skills to make a masterpiece? 

Hunk: Okay, fine. I assume you want me to make you a costume as well?

Pidge: I don't know if you can make it in time what with the pile of orders you have from all of us. 

Hunk: What are you talking about? 

Pidge: I, uh, might have told everyone you'd make us all costumes

Hunk: And you didn't tell me this

Hunk: Before today

Hunk: Which, to be clarified, is HALLOWEEN.

Pidge: So you're up for the task?

Hunk: Fine. Give me the list. 

Pidge: Okay, well, I want to go as the little puffball friends I made on that one planet. 

Pidge: Lance wants to go as a merman

Pidge: Keith wants to be an epic little red riding hood

Pidge: Matt wants to be Pepe

Pidge: Shiro wants to be a Kermit

Pidge: Allura wants to be a Viking warrior 

Pidge: And last but not least, Coran wants to be Luigi 

Pidge: I believe in you Hunk. You got this. 

Hunk: If I need help, you're coming down here asap. 

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