Chapter: 3

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In the morning, I awake on the bed. I get up and stretch, my hind legs and then front paws. In other words my hands and feet. I look on the dresser and see a note.

'Dear Kid,

I'll be home a little later on tonight so don't get into any trouble. I'm not sure why you're wearing that cloak, but it will attention if you're not careful. My brother and I left, but he'll be home later this evening around 4:00 maybe 5:00. I left some food in the fridge for you and a friend for you to play with til I come back to entertain you myself.  Well, be careful kid.


"Sans?" I question aloud. "So that's his name. He has a brother?" I put the note back down and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I run the water and look for something to wear while I wash my cloak. I find a hoodie in Sans' closet as well as a pair of shorts. I grab them and run in the bathroom. I take a 15 to 20 minute shower before getting out and changing. I head downstairs to watch TV when I find a familiar bonehead floating around.

"Hello little guy." I say petting his head. "Do you have a name?" I ask and it just barks. "How about......Viper?" I say and he floats around excitedly in a circle. "So you like that name." I chuckle. I get up and walk into the kitchen and open the refrigerator, inside I find a hotcat? I take it out and eat it. "The berries are better than this." I hear a knock at the door and I immediately make my way up the stairs and it swings open.

"Sans? Papyrus? They must be gone. Geez, that meeting started early. I guess I'm patrolling for humans on my own. I wonder if Sans has killed anymore?" I hear the door close and it gets silent. My face is mortified, is that what he meant by entertainment, he's going to kill me. I still have a few hours and so I throw my cloak in the dryer.

"Hey Viper, looks like I won't be hear much longer if Sans is trying to kill me." I say and he gives me a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry, but I knew I couldn't trust anyone here." I say kissing it's nose. I play around with Viper until the dryer stops and I change into that instead, leaving Sans' clothes on his bed. Before I go, I leave a note behind on the dresser.

'Dear Sans,

Unfortunately, I can't stay here any longer due to berry bad circumstances. I don't want to inconvenience you. Tibia honest, I'm still a little wary of the people here. By the time you get this, I will be long gone, trying to find my way back home. And don't worry about Viper, hes fine as well, I'd never hurt him. He's such a sweetheart.


I make my way out the door and through the town. I got a few glares here and there, but no one approached me. I was a little curious as to why that is until I stopped by a construction site. I turned around and saw Viper right behind me. "What are you doing here?"

"Bark." I facepalm and just continue.

"Viper, you should head home before it get's dark. I'm sure the other skeleton guy is home already and I'm sure Sans will be looking for you." I say but he refuses to leave me alone "Ugh, Viper. Fine." I say and I begin to climb the building that's under construction. I watch as the sun slowly sets, the sky is a pretty, I think it was the sky. It was so mesmerizing and I have to admit, it was better watching with Viper. I ended up dozing off, but I was awaken to the sound of shots and a light show. "Viper! What are you doing?" I look at him and then whatever it is he's shooting at.

"Look, w-who-e-ever y-yo-u-u ar-e, y-you sho-ou-ldn-t b-be h-er-e." He says in a shaky voice.

"Viper stop." I say and he backs off.

"I'm sorry to intrude, it's dangerous up here. You shouldn't be here. Please don't kill me." He says cowering.

"I don't kill people. So don't assume based on how I'm dressed." I reply. "Anyways, since I only came up just to watch the sunset, I'll be on my way now." I say jumping off of the building. "Shit, I didn't think this through." I add as the ground quickly approaches and then I suddenly stop. "Huh." I say as I'm gently set on the ground.

"Bark!" I turn around and see Viper.

"Thanks buddy." I say hugging him. "You really should head home, I'm sure Sans is worried about you." I add and he begins to whimper.

"yea, i was worried about the two of ya." I hear voice emerge from the shadows. "ya can't be disappearin like that and not tell me where ya goin." He says in a slightly irritated tone. "come on, we're goin home."

"No, I'm not going back there. I'm going to find my way home, so you can take Viper and head home." I say as I turn to leave and then I hear something and suddenly stop.

"didya have a change of heart?" He asks and I turn around looking around. "didya hear somethin?" He says and then it happens again, I hear another sound. I look up, seeing a steel beam falling and I push Sans out of the way.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"i-i'm fi-ine." He says stumbling over his words. "Thanks."

"No problem." I say getting up. "I'm going to leave now." I turn and he grabs my arm.

"look, ya not goin nowhere." He says pulling me back.

"Stop pulling me!" I say pulling my arm away. "Why are you so bent on making me go back?!"

"i have my reasons." He shrugs.

"What are those reasons? Torture? Imprisonment? Pet? Or do you want to Kill me?" I ask.

"none of those are the reason i'm tryin to keep ya here. what gave ya those ideas?" He asks me.

"Someone walked in and I heard them say that you have a pretty high body count. I don't really like killers." I reply looking at him.

"well yeah, but it's been a while since i killed a human. why does that concern ya, are you a human?" He says giving me a suspicious look.

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