Chapter: 45

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"Thank you, I promise I will not fail. I will go and collect information at this very moment." Aurora says popping up from the bed.

"Calm down, Charlotte. Rest here with Sans, I'm going to go out and look around." Alpha says walking toward the window. I grab her arm and pull her back. "Sans, I'm coming back, I promised I wouldn't disappear again. I'm coming back."

"a'ight. i'm jus scared of losin ya." I reply still not wanting to let her go.

"That should be the one thing you're not afraid of. We are a little broken, but we will fix it and become stronger." She says before she jumps out of the window.

"She's quite the wolf." Aurora says sitting back down on the bed.

"yeah, alpha's one of the three things i would never let go of in this world. she's my everything. we've been through a lot, she's basically like the mother of all the monsters,  but she's more than that to me." I say.

"So are you two dating?" She asks me.

"yeah, we've been datin for a while. a few years more like it." I reply.

"Are you going to marry her?" She questions.

"yeah, i want to, but with all this stuff goin on, there's no time for that. if we can jus get all of this together and make things go smoothly, it would be better." I say and my phone starts buzzing.

'Sans, have you found the boss yet? Things are getting really tight here. Two more of the dogs were attacked but they called for help and held it off until I came.'

'Yeah, I found her. She went to check something out. Do the canines know who did this?'

Yeah, they know. The only bad part about this is the person is, her mother.'

I drop my phone on the ground and Aurora looks at me baffled.

"What?! What happened?" She asks.

"nothin. it was nothin. it doesn't concern ya." I reply shaking my head slowly.

"Alright. I should warn you though, Alate Gamma isn't the only one trying to ruin your relationship. You three have a lot of eyes on you, they see how well you work together and so they're trying to dismantle it." She says looking at me.

"what do ya mean?" I ask. "they shouldn't know anything."

"They don't, they have little information, but the boss of Alate Gamma has been spreading information about you two, now only the third person is in the dark." She explains.

"where do ya get this information from?" I ask her.

"Well, going through those other mafias, you gain inside and outside connections. It comes in handy, this is the one I plan on staying with since no one is asking for something ridiculous in return. I feel like I can really trust you guys." She says takig a deep breath and walking over to the couch.

"where are ya goin?" I ask looking a little confused.

"Over here so that the boss doesn't tear me to shreds if I fall asleep on you." She says and I laugh.

"she's not the type of person to show her emotions so easily. besides, she knows I would never do anything behind her back, but if ya insist then go ahead." I say turning on my side. I feel a Aurora get back in the bed and face my direction.

"The first time I don't have to worry about sleeping with a stranger who might rape me. Thank you, Mr. Sans." She says.

"no problem kiddo." I reply facing the window. She falls asleep, but I don't, I wait for Alpha to return like she promised. I can see the sun starting to rise and a shadow flies through the window and crashes on the ground. Aurora immediately pops up gasping for air.

"Good morning you two. Sorry, I was out so long." Alpha says giggling as she gets up off of the floor. "I fell asleep on a branch, but I came back."

"ya ready to head back to the house?" I ask her and she nods.

"How long will it take to get there?" Aurora asks.

"We know a shortcut, though you might feel weird when we get there." Alpha says holding out her hand and Aurora grabs it. I teleport us to the house and she hits the ground almost immediately upon arrival. It subsides after a few seconds and she stands up.

"Did we just teleport?" She asks looking around. "Where are we?"

"We're at the house. The monsters are probably at MC Co. right now so don't expect to see more than 4 or 5." Alpha says walking up to the door and grabbing the knob but it swings open she's tackled by a familiar person.

"Alpha! Don't do that. I was worried sick." LB says before looking up. "Hi, I'm Frisk, but everyone calls me LB. It's short for Little Boss." They stick out their hand for a handshake and Aurora looks a little confused.

"Hi, Frisk. I'm Aurora, the new intel gatherer. It's a pleasure to meet you." She says still a little stuck

"if ya wanna question lb's gender, go ahead, but ya won't get anything from 'em except some weird lecture on somethin about politics and biology." I say giggling.

"Alrighty then." She says dropping that topic. "So, this is the infamous MCC I've been hearing so much about. You guys are a lot more civilized than I imagined." She says looking around the woods.

"Yeah, people expect monsters to be disgusting creatures, but we're not. I should probably mention, when you join this family, you become a monster like the rest of us." Alpha says and I just nod. "If you don't accept it, I can't really do anything, but know this, if you ever try to harm anyone in this family of mine. You. Will. Pay. Painfully." Alpha glares at her and Aurora jumps back.

"Scary." She says stepping back. "I like it."

"Papyrus! Are you here?! I hope you made spaghetti because I'm starving." Alpha yells walking into the house.

"do ya think we should tell her now?" I ask looking at LB.

"Yeah, I don't want any more of the wolves to get hurt." They respond.

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