Chapter: 14

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"Give him back." I say softly.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He taunts me.

"Give them back!" I yell. My body started pulsating the angrier I got. "GIVE. THEM. BACK."

"Calm down pup, your glowing eyes don't scare me." He says laughing. "Huh?"

He stopped laughing, but I didn't know why. My vision started to blur, I think, I couldn't tell. It seemed like I was getting higher and higher, I'm sure I was. I could see Gaster looking up at me, his face was surprised. He was mouthing something, but I couldn't figure out what he was saying. I think there was a glowing light, it was a warm yellow color. I felt as though something was dispersing from me. Then my vision finally focused, I could see yellow streaks, they flowed around me before dispersing through the town. I saw a flash of light, my memories of everyone surrounded me . I could see all of them surrounding me, all the moments at Grillby's, at the docks, our Christmas, every moment we spent together was right in front of me before everything went white. When the light died down, I opened my eyes and above was Papyrus and Sans. My eyes were filled with tears upon seeing them.

"You two are okay!" I say jumping into them. Both of their arms wrap around me, comforting me. I was so happy. Little Boss joined in the reunion.

"Amazing. You brought them all back." I hear his voice in the distance. I stand up and face the nameless monster.

"I don't know what made you think killing them was okay, but at this point I want you dead." I say not realizing how close he was to my face. I managed to dodge, but I got a scratch on my face. I think he teleported, but it all happened too fast. They kept coming, each swing getting closer, faster, deadlier. I tripped over something while I was dodging, taking a step backwards each time. I hit the ground and when I looked up, he was aiming straight for my face. I froze throwing my hands up to block, but nothing hit me. I heard a loud crash and looked to see Little Boss looking at him. Little Boss didn't look the same, not in the slightest. The face they made, I know it well. The red eyes and menacing smile, the results of the experiments. They grabbed the dagger they kept in their boot. Then the nameless guy disappeared, but Little Boss wasn't having it. They looked at me and charged my way, I felt a sense of murder and they went around me swinging the dagger making a cut on the first thing that appeared, him. I couldn't move, I was filled with fear, was that our kid? I know I trained them, but were they really aware of who they were with. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn around seeing a soft smile.

"Alpha, you're okay." Little Boss says hugging me.

"You're not a crazy murderer." I say sighing in relief.

"Well yeah, thanks to you. You taught me to protect the pack, our family. I would never hurt them." Little Boss says rubbing my head.

"are ya okay?" Sans questions walking up to us.

"Yeah, we're okay. But Gaster disappeared." I say. "Good thing too, I don't think he would have survived Little Boss longer."

"Thanks to you. If you hadn't trained me, who knows what I'd be doing right now." We all laugh.

"come on, let's head home. we've had a long day." Sans says smiling. I take my first step, but I end up collapsing. I can feel someone lift me off the ground. "seriously pup, ya gotta take care of ya'self." Sans whispers to me.

"Well, I couldn't just let any of you die. LB and I would get lonely." I smile, whispering back. Once we arrive back at the house, he takes me upstairs and lies me down in the bed.

"make sure ya get plenty rest." He says.

"What about them?" I ask referring to the wolves.

"i'll find them." He says walking out of the room. It takes me a while to fall asleep, but I manage somehow. In the morning, I wake up to both of them next to me, a normal day. I get out of bed and head downstairs to see a room full of fluffy animals.

'Are you okay? We're sorry we couldn't protect you Alpha.' Dream says.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Where were you guys?" I ask.

'We don't know. We all passed out and woke up in some weird place. Sans found us last night.' He explains.

"That's good." I sigh a breath of relief. "I'm going to head back up the mountain and visit mom and Michael. I'll be back." I say leaving the house. Once I make it up, I run to the house and there is mom and Michael again. It's been so long, mom has gotten older.

"Honey, it's good to see you again." She says looking at me. "I'm glad you came, I need to talk to you."

"What is it mom?" I ask.

"I don't have much time here. I'm sure you know by now, my illness, it has taken a toll on my body. I went to the doctor a couple of days ago and he said two weeks at most." She explains. I'm devastated by the news, but I handle it pretty well. "I'm going to leave the house in your care." She says kissing my forehead.

"You know, Ray, it's been lonely without you. It'll be even lonelier without mom. Please come back." Michael says almost crying.

"Do me a favor, I'm going to give you some schematics and you can start building these buildings if you want me to come back. You have the wolves helping you. I'll be back in a few days to see the progress and I promise, if you pull this off, you won't be lonely anymore." I say handing him some papers before walking off. 'You were always better at building stuff than I was, I know you can you do it.'

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