Chapter: 18

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~ Sans' P.O.V ~

"we're done." I say as I look around at the kitchen. "but boy do we have a clean up job." I chuckle.

"Yes we do." She says placing the used dishes in the sink and I grab the broom and start sweeping.

"so, uh..... bout that bath t'night." I say chuckling.

"Sans, you know I was joking." She replies.

"i know. i just wanted to remind ya of what ya said. I mean, we could just clean up this matter." I say.

"That was just terrible." She says laughing. "Come on, we can go."

"nah, i was just kidding." I reply chuckling.

"No you weren't, you just didn't expect me to agree with the idea." She says looking at me.

"yeah, ya got me there." I reply. "but, i'll have to decline this time." I say again.

"Alright." She says as she finishes up the dishes and begins to set the table. The door swings open and Paps, Michael, and Little Boss walks in.

"We're back." Little Boss announces.

"welcome back. alpha and i just got done makin the food." I say.

"What did you guys make?" Papyrus asks.

"she made ya favorite, spaghetti." I reply and his face lights up.

"What are we waiting for, let's dig in!" Papyrus says running into the kitchen. I follow behind Paps until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Sans, Can I talk to you?" I turn around and see Michael.

"if you're that bonely, i got a few ribs to spare." I say and he chuckles. We make our way to the front porch.

"Look, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting lately. It's just, Ray means a lot to me and I really liked her, but I know I can't have her. I know we got off on the wrong foot, but if you could forgive me, we can start over." He says.

"sure kid." I reply and my phone vibrates.

'Jus got here nd we already gotta problem. I need ya to deal with it. Someone took the monster kid after he wandered off. They left a note sayin somethin bout meetin 'em in the alley way.........Humans.'

"i'd love to stay and chat, but i got orders from the big boss." I say and I turn towards the open door.

"Big Boss?" I hear Michael question.

"alpha! little boss! we gotta job to do!" I yell. Not long after they're making their way out of the front door.

"What does he need now? We were just about to have dinner." Alpha complains.

"y'know how boss is, it's about a monster kid. they just got here too, so we need to finish those buildins." I reply.

"From the looks of it, he's halfway through. Shouldn't be much longer now." Little Boss says as they put on their trench coats.

"well, let's get goin ya two." I say taking their hands and vanishing. We arrive at the outskirts of town.

"Why don't you lead this time Little Boss, you need some practice." Alpha says and they nod their head and began leading the way. We're taken to a strange looking pub in a beaten up part of town.

"Ya guys got ya stuff ready?" I ask as we stand outside of a pub and they nod. "a'ight, let's do this." I add sighing as we make our way inside. We get a few glares, but I'm sure that's because of me. We make our way over to the bar and get a few rounds.

"I really don't wanna do this." Little Boss says.

"Same, I just wanna eat." Alpha adds. I can't argue with them, they're right. They get up and shuffle around, trying to be discrete as possible. I see Alpha lead one guy into another room and Little Boss does the same. Some guy sits next to me and I glance over.

"You know monsters don't belong here." He says and I just ignore the comment.

"Well buddy, ya probably should be headin back to the hole ya crawled from." I reply.

"Don't get cocky. We do have your two partners nice and tied up." He says and I chuckle.

"ya couldn't get those two if ya had all the fire power in the world." I say just as they walk over.

"We got the info we needed, but my shirt is ruined." Alpha says sighing.

"Same." Little Boss adds. "And Alpha made it for me too."

"well, it's time we head to the place then. where is it?" I ask.

"It is in the alley, but you have to know the secret code to get inside." Little Boss says and I glance over at the guy still sitting next to me and smirk.

"well that's our cue then. let's go get the kid back." I say getting out of my seat and we walk out of the door. The guy from inside suddenly places his hand on my shoulder only to have a blade to his throat and a gun to his head.

"I don't think you want to try anything stupid." Alpha says and Little Boss just laughs. That disgusting look, the face of a merciless murderer.

"Don't kill me. I was gonna guide you down there." He says quickly and they back off.

"Alright, but try anything and I'll be decorating my claws." Alpha says giggling. The guy walks out front and we close our coats as not to arouse too much suspicion. We stop at a dead end and he stomps on the top of a sewer lid in a strange pattern before stepping back. It twists and lifts up and a head pops out.

"How many?" The voice questions.

"Four." He replies and they let us inside. We climb down and they lead us through the tunnels and into a room. We find the monster kid tied to a chair with two other guys holding guns in the room. A man appears from behind a large line of crates.

"Who are you three?" He asks.

"Just some curious citizens." I say keeping my head low.

"And what are your names." He continues.

"That's not necessary, is it?" I reply making it more of a statement than a question.

"Well, if you all want nameless tombstones. That's fine by me." He says laughing.

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