Chapter: 36

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"heya pup, i jus gotta text, they finished it. do ya wanna go see it now?" Sans asks me.

"I want to, but at the same time this Alate Gamma stuff is just.... I don't want it to get out of hand." I explain looking at the screen.

"I think you should go, it will take your mind off of this for a little while. You don't need to be overthinking things at this point in time, when it happens, it happens." Jackie says looking away from the computer.

"i agree with the kid, let's go check it out." Sans says looking at me.

"Fine." I say giving in to the persuasion. "Brace yourself Jackie." I say grabbing Sans' hand and placing he other on Jackie's shoulder. We teleport to the city, Jackie hits the ground and I look around seeing the all the lights brightening the nighttime sky. "This is normal, loud, but normal. Why are we here?"

"turn around." Sans says and I look behind me to see a tall building before me. The glowing letters read MC Co. and I just stare in amazement at the sight of it. "do ya like it?" He asks me.

"It's so cool. I can't believe you guys were doing this for the past week and a half." I say still staring at the building. I walk inside and see everyone scattered everywhere covered in paint, dust, and oil. The first floor was very open and spacious and up ahead was a large desk, the lights above were made from chandeliers, the floor was made of glistening white tile with occasional blotches of colored tile scattered.

"well, i was sending people here to do the work. the second floor is the meeting room, the third floor consists of the advanced training rooms, LB is there now, below the lobby is Gaster's lab, he, Alphys, and Undyne are down there now. your floor is the top floor, the fourth floor." He explains and I just stare at the amazement of the building, my eyes gleaming.

"Sans, where is mom?" I ask looking at him.

"she's in the lab with gaster right now. we can go see her now." He says and I rush to the elevator. I look at the keypad confused, not seeing a button to get to the basement. "like this." He leans down to the keypad and holds a button. "access lab: sans." 'Voice recognition confirmed. Access Granted.' The elevator then begins to descend to the lower level of the building.

"This is pretty amazing." Jackie says looking at the design. "It's very high-tech, like nothing I've ever seen before."

"so, how are we goin about this?" Sans asks.

"You talked to Muffet, right?" I ask and he nods. "Is she here?"

"not yet, she should arrive later on this week though." He replies.

"Okay, we're opening a Monster Cafe. Muffet's in charge of the all the pastries, I'll teach you guys about coffee." I say as the elevator doors open. I walk through the labyrinth filled with twists and turns until I come to the main room. I see my mom sitting up from table and looking around.

"Hey mom." I say softly and she looks up at me.

"Hey sweetheart, what are you doing here?" She asks.

"It's a new building. So, how do you feel?" I ask.

"A little strange, but I'm okay." She says rubbing her head. "So, Dr. Gaster what did you do to me?"

"Last resort, merged part of your soul with a monster's soul. It fought off whatever was inside and is now protecting your body and boosting it in many ways." Gaster explains.

"What does that mean?" She questions a little concerned.

"It means you can use magic, like a monster. You're like me, only it's not physical." I explain.

"Oh." She sighs in relief. "I thought you were going to say it extended my life for a while."

"You're not upset about being a monster?" I ask slightly baffled.

"Why would I be?" She says giggling. "It saved me, I'm not complaining. They can really work miracles, that's for sure."

"You are something else ma, you know that." I say.

"i told ya she would be fine if we jus left her with Gaster." Sans says patting my back. "who's goin to teach her how to use her magic?"

"You guys figure that out on your own. I'm going go see LB." I say turning to leave and Jackie follows behind me. I take the elevator up the third floor and begin walking the long hall. I peek in a few rooms until I find them with a few people. "Hey LB."

"Boss!" They say running up and hugging me. "I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too." I say hugging them back. "You know it's a little weird for you to call me Boss." I chuckle nervously.

"Sorry, shall I continue calling you Alpha then?" They ask and I nod my head. "So, who is this guy?"

"This is Jackie, the new Computer Specialist." I say.

"Welcome to the family." LB says greeting them with a warm smile.

"This may come off as rude, but are you a girl or a boy?" He asks.

"I'm a member of this family, a single person that is here on earth with all of those who are continuously labeled. We are who we are and that is all we are. It is not characterized by gender, but by name. I am your brother and your sister thanks to biology just like Alpha is your brother, sister, and dog....... and Boss. We are all beautiful people." LB says and I burst out in laughter at Jackie's confused, shocked face.

"You know what, it's nice to meet you LB." Jackie gives in. "I look forward to working with you."

"Same." LB replies smiling. "Well, I have to get back to teaching this class. They are coming along, improving more and more each day, even monster kid is coming in on time for this."

"What are you teaching him, he doesn't have arms." I ask.

"More kick-boxing than anything. I had to take a few classes to even learn to do that stuff, but anything for the family." They say.

"Cool. After this, the main house needs to have a talk about something, something big." I say before leaving out.

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