Chapter: 5

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"Sans, why wouldn't you let me finish talking to Viper?" I ask pouting.

"well, i forgot ya spoke dawg. that's one thing for sure and those guys, they know a little too much information." Sans says rubbing the back of his neck. He hands me the clothes and I  look at them. I pick them up and begin to change out of what I had on. "kid! Why doncha  warn me first!" He yells.

"Oh, my bad Sans. I don't mind if you peek though." I reply chuckling and glance at his blushing bright blue face. Just seeing him blush made me blush a little too and I finally finished changing. "How does it look?" I ask and he turns around.

"amazin. I knew it would suit ya." He winks and I start laughing. It was really nice. A white shirt with a red bow tie with black pants and black suspenders. He even bought me some shoes.

"Thank you!" I say jumping into his arms. "So why did you get me this?" I ask looking at how perfect the fit is.

"oh, we're going out t'day. i have some people forya to meet." He says walking out of the room and down the steps. He grabs his hat and jacket on the way and I follow behind him.

"Who am I meeting today?" I ask. "Sans, I'm nervous." I grab his arm.

"don't worry, ya with me." He says petting my head and I let go of his arm trying to calm down.

"Aright, if you say so." I reply as we keep walking. I catch of whiff of something that smells delicious. I start to slow down and before I know it, I've followed the smell to some strange restaurant. Just as I'm about to walk in, some guy catches my attention.

"Hey kid, come here for a second." He says and I walk over to see what he wanted. "Check this out." He says leading me farther into the alley way. As I continue walking behind him, I barely notice him trying to stab me, but he just barely grazes me. I immediately drop to all four and begin to growl. "What are you? Some type of dog." He says.

"One that'll kick your ass." I reply.

"Can you really take out all of us." He says and I suddenly feel the presence of others. I turn around and see them walking towards me and I begin to back into a corner. "What are you going to do now?"

"You know, I'm not a dog. I'm a wolf and wolves travel in packs so when you get one, you get the package deal." I say laughing and I let out a howl.

"What was that going to do?" One of the guys raise a bat to my head and then suddenly they're blasted. I look over and see Sans and Viper.

"hey guys, looks like ya wanna have a bad time." Sans says walking up to them. They begin to back away slowly.

"You didn't tell us the kid was with Sans, you idiot!" They say and they turn to run only to be blocked by me.

"Lucky for you, I'm in a good mood today." I say smiling before heading back over to Sans' side.

"ya okay kid?" He asks.

"I'm fine and I'm not a kid." I reply.

"a'ight pup." He says chuckling. "come on, we hafta get goin. i know a shortcut." He says grabbing my hand and we walk around the corner before appearing at some office. "sorry we're late, i brought the pup here." He says and I look around at all the people sitting before me.

"Why do you call her pup?" One of the voices ask and I look at him. "Is that a fetish of yours?"

"nah, that's jus what she is, she's a pup." He replies. "right?" He asks and I nod my head in agreement.

"So, has she collected any of that determination she was supposed to?" Another voice asks.

"she isn't one of the experimented ones, she came from somewhere else." He replies and they all nod. They seemed more intrigue by me than they should.

"Are you sure? She seems a little anxious." I hear a sly voice and suddenly I sense something coming our way. I turn around and deflect it using my hands. It hurt, but I protected Sans. Then I felt a sinister presence, one that wanted to kill, one that meant no good. It was approaching and I went full wolf. I dropped to all four ready to attack, growling in the direction of wherever it was coming from. Sans looked behind him and smirked.

"so ya brought'em here? that wasn't a very smart move if ya ask me." Sans says backing away from the entrance way and behind the table with the rest of them. In walked a child, I jolted back at the sight a little confused. It was carrying a knife and it had a sinister look on it's face. I could hear it's laugh and it freaked me out, it lunged itself at me and I was immediately back on defense.

"I won't let you touch him." I say jumping on the table and then directly at them. I spin to dodge the knife and use my knee to drag their face into the ground. They get up as though they aren't affected at all and come after me again. I tilt my head to side, avoiding the knife and I grab her face with my paw and smash her into the ground again before throwing her back down the hallway. I stretch and walk over to the others.

"nice kid, didn't think ya had it in ya." Sans says meeting me half way. He sits on the the table and pats my head as I stand up.

"So, what did you mean by you wouldn't let them to touch him? Were you referring to Sans?" One of them says nudging me.

"Well, yeah. I was raised by wolves after all." I reply shrugging.

"This is interesting. Are you sure you didn't do anything to this human Sans? They seem pretty attached to you." They ask and before he can answer, I pull him off the table and do a back bend in the process dodging the kid once again.

"Kid! I'm sick of this!" I say revealing my claws and smacking the knife from their hands. I then take my claw and puncture their body without realizing it, I begin to tear them to shreds before Sans pulls me off. "I won't let you hurt Sans! I'll kill any threat to those I care about!"

"ray, calm down." He says patting my head and I start to steady my breathing.

"Huh?" I question looking around. "Where'd that kid go?" I ask.

"oh, they....... they're uh......" Sans stops his sentence and I look down.

"I did again, didn't I? I blanked out and went wolf. I knew I was a freak of nature." I say breaking away from him and running down the hall.

"pup, wait!" I hear Sans' voice, but the sound of my crying drowns everything else out.

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