Chapter: 56

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~ Alpha's P.O.V. ~

I look at the soul feeling two others trying to escape. They seemed so familiar, like I should know them. I've tried reaching them, but I can't seem to grasp them at all. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder, my mom. She gave me a warm smile reassuring me that it was alright and I nodded my head.


*You reach out to them again, but can't seem to grasp them.

*You feel a shove from behind you and suddenly, two hands grab onto your arm.

*You pull them as hard as you can and they suddenly disappear.

My turn ends again and the soul before me is less powerful than before. Their attacks were a lot slower than before and I noticed something different than before. My turn comes around and I figure there is only one other thing to do. I won't let this soul die and I'm not going to kill it either.

ACT > Absorb

*Are you sure you want to absorb the soul?


With that a bright light flashes a few times, clearing up the dark background and my vision comes back to me. In front of me, I see Sans and LB and holding me is Jackie and David with John and Thomas sitting on the side, their faces all in shock. I look up and see this contraption, wires coming from these things that looked like guns. Inside the container attached were souls, a red one and a white one. I saw Sans and LB on the ground motionless and I darted forward to the two people who had the weapons.

"Put them back now!" I say charging them and pinning them to the ground. They blink a few times, they seemed scared out of their minds. Their hands fidgeted and the guns started to make a noise and the souls were dispersed back into their bodies. They gasped loudly as their bodies jerked off the ground, I turned to them and hugged them.

"How did you do that?!" The guy behind me says.

"We are not working for you anymore Mason! We'll find our little girl on our own." They say scooting away from him.

"Sans, LB, get these two and those guys out of here, I'll handle this guy." I say facing the so called Mason.

"Do you really think you can get away that easily. This place is on a lock down right now and you have no way to get." I look Sans and he begins shaking his head.

"no, i'm not leavin ya here pup." He says.

"Go, and that's an order, not a request." He cringes at the words and lets out a sigh.

"a'ight boss." He says surrounding them and in a blink of an eye, they're gone.

"Where'd he go?" Mason asks looking around.

"You're the boss?" Marco questions.

"No shit sherlock." I reply at the stupid remark.

"I asked you a question." Mason says.

"He's gone. You're dealing with the boss now, keep your eyes on me." I say and he tilts his head slightly.

"So you're the boss of this organization that's been taking down these other groups. I must say, I'm impressed that you are a female of all things. However, this will be your last time leading such a talented group of monsters." He says and I just smirk. "What's so funny?"

"Well, I'm tired. I want to go and right now, I don't really feel like playing around." I say removing my button up shirt revealing my tank top. "So, I'm going to end this as quickly as possible so that I can get to the others." I get down on my hands and feet in a pouncing pose looking up at him. I can see him staring into my eyes, almost mesmerized. "I can smell your fear." I say and he cringes.

"Your eyes, they weren't red before........ what did you do?" He asks me backing away slowly.

"I absorbed the soul from earlier and now, I'm going to tear yours apart." I say jumping at him. He immediately falls to the ground and covers his head shaking in fear. "What happened to all that courage from earlier? Am I letting my bloodlust leak a little too much?" I ask.

"L-look-k, I-i'll l-leeave yo-u al-lone." He says still shaking.

"I know you will." I say ripping his soul out through his back. "Because you'll be dead along with those illegal experiments of yours." Marco shrieks in horror. "Bother me again, and you'll end up like your boss." I grab my shirt and run towards the elevator, making my way up the shaft and onto the first floor. I see Sans and the others waiting. "Why aren't you guys out of here yet?"

"i tried to teleport us out, but apparently there is somethin these two created that blocks teleportation magic. besides we werent leavin ya in this buildin, so we waited." Sans says and I let out a deep sigh.

"Let's go then, I want to wash my hands." I say walking out of the front door. "So, where are you going to go John, Thomas, and David?"

"Oh, I'm flying back home tomorrow morning." David says.

"Alright, I'll never see you then, unless you come and visit me." I say hugging him. "Give me a ring if you ever need anything." I say holding my hand out for his phone and he hands it to me. I put my number in and he smiles.

"Same to you, if you ever need anything, let me know." He says before hugging me again and running off in the direction of the hotel near the airport.

"What about you John?" I ask looking at him.

"Well, I don't know. I'm a bit conflicted with going back to my girlfriend or staying here and helping you with stuff." He says.

"You might want to go back to your girlfriend, someone here isn't too fond of friendliness." I say giggling. "Besides, I don't want you to get into any trouble in this part of town. We'll keep in touch."

"Alright." He says handing me his phone and I put my number in his phone as well. "Thomas?"

"Well, I've been in town for a while. I actually recently moved back here. I'm not sure what I can do." He says. I grab his phone from his pocket and put my number in it.

"Give me a ring if you want to hang out or drop by." I say rubbing his head.

"Alright." He replies.

"And remember John, don't call me just for fun, only information related. You don't want to end up dead." I say turning to John before walking off and the others follow behind me. Sans teleports us all to the house in the woods. The two adults fall to their knees and I wait for them to get up. "You guys can go in, I'll help these guys." I hear Sans and LB giggle, but ignore it.

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