Chapter 2

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*Josh's POV* 

There's a knock on my door so I take off running from my new home gym upstairs. I grab a towel off the rack by the door and see Jen standing there. She pushes past me saying "ew Josh you smell awful. Ever heard of this thing called a shower? It helps with that." She sits on the couch, making herself comfortable like always and I sit across from her in a chair. "I was just working out, you idiot" I respond. "How about a shirt, ever heard of one of those?" She responds sarcastically. "You know I hate clothes." I tell her, then I say, "so, why exactly are you here?" "Just the welcoming all guests want." She says, "but we're going out tonight. Go shower, and wear something nice." "Says she who is in yoga pants and a sweatshirt" I retort back at her, "plus since when do just the two of us every go out. You always just wanna stay home and eat all of my food." "Oh my lord Josh." She says, "Sam and Laura just flew in, Liam's on his way over. Xander's down here. There's tons of the casts from the entire series here. We're all going out. Just go shower for the love of god." I shrug, knowing she'll win the argument so I do as she says. Ever since Claudia and I broke up, I'm down to go out and party any time. After showering, I blow dry my hair and add a little gel in it to give it a messy styled look. I go to my closet, picking out grey skinny jeans, an Aztec tribal patterned shirt, and a brown carhart jacket with a pair of boots and a grey beanie. I walk back downstairs and find Jen in the kitchen eating a bag of Doritos. "Yeah, just help yourself to my food." I say, teasing. She's basically the reason I buy Doritos. She looks up and smiles. "You look nice Joshua. And don't worry, I will." She says. "You don't look bad yourself." I smile, Jen had changed from her sweats to a floral crop top and a pencil skirt, her makeup and hair was now done, and she actually looked ready to go out. Soon after, Liam shows up with Xander, both ready to go out as well. The four of us sat hanging out and talking until Sam and Laura showed up about an hour later. I know it's gonna be a fun night, based on the short time I've been with them and how much fun I've already had. Jen's basically the only person of the cast I've seen frequently since we stopped shooting for a break before we finish up shooting some of the scenes from Mockingjay part two. Man I've missed these guys. I can't wait to start filming again... But I also can't stand the thought of these movies ending. They've changed my life so much and the day it all ends will be awful. Because there's six of us and Sam's rental car only has room for 5 people, I offer to ride my motorcycle to the restaurant we're eating at before we go to the club. When we get there, I order a bud light and a steak and we all talk over an easy going meal. After dinner, we go to the club that some of the other cast member were going to. When we get there, we order a round of shots, clink them together and then head out to the dance floor after slamming the drinks. Sam and Laura dance, Jen and Liam start dancing, and Xander is off doing god knows what with god knows who. I am left alone, I know I could go dance with Liam and Jen. It's not like they're groaping and grinding each other, they're just flailing around like idiots the way we always do. Instead a see a cute girl standing alone so I approach her, offering her one of the two shots in my hands and make a mental note to stop drinking so I'm completely sober before I drive home. After a few hours of dancing with countless hot girls, talking to my friends, and catching up with the cast members I haven't seen, I know that the alcohol is out of my system. I say my goodbyes to everyone, and get on my bike. Little did I know how much my life would change before the night is over.

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