Chapter 45

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*Savannah's POV* After you and Josh get back into the city, you return on the trolley to the place you bought your tickets and return to the jeep. "What's next on tonight's agenda?" you ask Josh as he starts driving. "Well, I know it's not really anything spectacular," he says, "but I thought we could just go back to my house and watch a few movies.. There's never really been a time where we can just be like, alone." You smile at him, and say "Not everything has to be some huge movie star event," then you continue to say "I like Kentucky born Josh who watches movies with me and cuddles with me and takes me snow tubing. Just as much as I like Hollywood, tux wearing, Rooftop dinning, Hunger Games star Josh Hutcherson.. Hell, I like the first Josh even more." Josh smiles and says "Thank. God. I need that. I need someone who's down to earth and okay with getting dirty or leaving LA to visit Kentucky for a week or someone who will go camping with me and live in a tent for a week. Jeez Sav, the more time I spend with you I just realize that I need you. You're exactly what I needed." Then he laughes at himself, or maybe at you, or at the situation, you really don't know what he's laughing at, but it doesn't really matter. You just like hearing the sound of his laugh. Then he says, "I can't wait to bring you home and really show you that 'Kentucky Born Josh' you talked about. And introduce you to Connor and my Dad too, I mean you met my Mom I know. But I can't believe you haven't met Connor. I mean and my Dad, but usually Connor knows all my friends or girlfriends." Josh is talking a lot, but you don't mind. You love hearing his voice, no matter what he's saying , and then it's as if he's reading your mind when he says "I'm sorry. I'm talking a lot. I'll shut up, you talk." "I don't mind you talking, Really." you say, "But if you want me to talk, I'm excited to meet Connor too. And if him and your Dad are half as friendly as your Mom was, when we weren't even dating.. and let's be frank I was a complete bitch to you, I know I'll have nothing to worry about with the rest of your family."Josh continues driving and eventually you make it to a gated off driveway. Josh pushes a button on a little device and the gate opens up, Josh drives in, and then it closes behind you. He drives down a twisted driveway completely surrounded by many tress and tall grass. Finally pulling up to a house, built right into the trees pretty much. It's a nice modern look, but it's got a home-y feel to it. The house is completely gorgeous from the outside, and you love it. "Welcome home." Josh says as he pulls into the garage. "Don't you worry about fans hiding in the grass and trees and stuff" you say, as you get out of the jeep and are walking out of the garage and towards the front door, because the garage isn't connected to the house. "No not really, the gate goes all around the property pretty much. And I mean, most the fans would just try and knock on the door, they don't really hide. The paparazzi in the weeds, that's another story." He says, his voice getting a little tense. As you walk into the house, it's just as nice inside as it is outside, but you can definitely tell a twenty-one year old male is living there. On the flip side, you can tell that Michelle definitely had a large portion to decorating the house, because it's lovely. Josh gives you a tour of the house as quickly as he can, and then after getting a few snacks you settle into the 'movie room' which has a giant projector on an entire wall, with multiple different forms of comfortable seating. You and Josh snuggle up on a tempropedic chair and watch movies together. After watching The Notebook, and then the movie Valentine's Day, it's getting pretty late. "Ugh I don't wanna go back there tonight.." you say, knowing it's about time to leave. "I just really don't want to. Today has been so perfect, and going back there for treatment will just ruin it." You feel bad complaining to Josh about this, but you just can't help it. "Sorry Sav.." Josh says. "Sorry for what?" "I'm sorry I'm going to have to change your plans." he answers, "Because we're staying right here. In this house, all night long. And there's not a damn person in this world who's going to stop us."

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