Chapter 29

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*Savannah's POV* You smile at Josh, looking over at himas he looks at you. "I uh, I know that you have a great family and lots of friends and stuff, but uh, I'll be here for you too." you tell Josh. He smiles at you and says "my family lives in Kentucky. and I've been here for over a week and I haven't had a single visitor yet. I'll take all the people I can. " He pauses for a second and then says, "Plus, I don't want any of them to be here as much as I want you to be." You take a second to respond, thinking about how he so often just drops those compliments like it's nothing. "Good because you're stuck with me." you say, winking at him. Nicole comes in and hooks you up to your treatment and then goes over to Josh's side of the room, closing the curtain behind her. "Sorry, patient confidentiality." she says winking to you and then says "ready to change into your sweatpants again?" to Josh. "You know," he says, "Jeans are a lot more comfortable when you can't feel anything." You start to laugh at his joke, but it makes the pain from the treatment even worse, so you just wince and return to your quiet struggles. You listen as Nicole and Josh team work getting him changed, and you feel a pang of jealously. Not that you necessarily want to have sex with Josh yet or even see Josh naked, but you don't want other people to either. After a treatment that seemed to last even longer than normal, Josh invites you over into his bed to watch The Lion King, one of the DVDs that his mom had bought and brought to the hospital for him. You fall asleep in his bed that night again, but instead of waking up to a peaceful morning with Josh you wake up to "Oh my god Joshua!!!!" then as you open your eyes you hear the voice say "Why did you not inform me you have a girlfriend?" You look up as your eyes adjust to the light and you see the one and only Jennifer Lawrence. You automatically freeze. Jennifer Lawrence is the one celebrity you actually enjoy, the one you actually would love to meet and now she's here standing in front of you. Well.. Maybe the one of two now.. Josh sits up a bit and rubs his eyes, he was clearly still sleeping too. "Uh Jen.. Hi. This is my roommate Savannah, and she uh, well she's not my girlfriend." You're trying to decide if you're happy he's saying that or disappointed, and then he adds the word "Yet." Jen smirks evilly at him and he says, "We were watching The Lion King last night and we both just fell asleep. "Nice to meet you, Savannah. I'm Jennifer." She says smiling and leaning to shake your hand. You grab it with a shaky hand, partially because you're nervous, but also a bit because you just are really shaky all the time now. "I know. Nice to uh, meet you." You say, trying to smile. "Listen Sav, I know you're not really fond of celebrities, but Jen's awesome. Trust me, I know you'll love her once you get to know her." Josh says soothingly. "I already do, I uh.. I'm just really nervous. I'm actually a big fan of yours." you say timidly. "Aww thank you." Jen says smiling, "and jeez Josh, just because she wasn't fond of you doesn't mean she doesn't like me." At that point Nicole walks in and says "Sorry to interrupt guys, but it's time for your morning treatment Savannah!" You sadly get up and move to your bed, letting Nicole hook you up to the treatment. "Don't let me ruin your good time, I heard there's a nice room on the seventh floor if you guys wanna have some alone time without me or if you want to get out of this room while I have my treatment." you say to them. "We'll get out of your way while you're doing your treatment and taking your nap, I know you don't like people pitying you while you have your treatment" Josh says, "But please come find us when you're done and we'll all hang out okay?" "Sounds like a plan." you smile at him, thankful that he is leaving during your treatment. You don't want him to see your weakness. Nicole helps Josh into his wheelchair, and Jen pushes him out of the room, waving goodbye wondering how in the world you get stuck with the best roommate possible.

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