Chapter 4

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*Josh's POV* I get on my bike after I put my helmet on. Because it's January, It's chilly for most people in California, but it's like a nice fall night back home so I decide to exit onto the freeway that loops around the city to ride a little bit and enjoy the night. I merge onto the freeway, and there's actually very few cars so I mainly stay in the right lane, only going over into the other lanes a few times to pass someone who's driving slowly. As I'm cruising alone, all of a sudden I see a car merging on and I can tell they don't see me. I try and speed up, but they hit my bike and I feel pain rush through my body. I'm thrown to the ground as my bike flies in the other direction and everything goes black. My eyes open to bright lights shinning own on me and a few medics looking at me."He's conscious!" One of them says and another turns around. "Do you feel any pain, sweetie?" one says. "My uh, my head hurts." I say. "we'll get you some medicine okay? sit tight. We're almost to the hospital. I give them a small smile, but I feel my eyes close again. I can hear the things around me but reacting to them just seems to hard right now so I just lay there, and then I feel myself slip into unconsciousness again. The next time I open my eyes my mom is standing there. "Josh!" she says, a worried look plastered on her face. "Hey Momma" I say, trying to smile at her a bit. "Josh, you're about to go into surgery. You've been unconscious for more than an entire day." she says quietly. "I'll be okay Mom. A little accident can't stop me." "Josh it wasn't just a little accident.. You're never riding that bike again, got it? you.. Just.. Good luck in surgery. I love you Josh." I just smile again, and then say "I'll see ya Mom. I'll be fine. I love you too. Tell Connor and Dad I love 'em." I'm semi-conscious as I get brought down to surgery, and once again I feel myself going under, this time from the medicine through the IV in my arm. When I wake up, I'm in the recovery unit. The nurse tells me that I'll be going to the ICU, or Intensive Care Unit, for a few days, and that my Doctor will come up and explain why in a little bit. That scares me. ICU is always where people on their deathbed go. The accident wasn't that bad.. was it? I'm brought to my own room, everybody in the intensive care has their own room. A few minutes later my mom walks in with a smile. "Dr. Lincoln said it looks like the surgery is going to be successful in the long run!" She says. "What was it even for Mom. Why am I in the ICU. Why do you and everybody else look at me like it's a miracle I'm even breathing." I say, trying my best to stay calm and slightly failing. "Josh I think it will best if Dr. Lincoln explains what happened. He knows much more than I do." I mutter the word "Fine" but then feel bad for being short with my mother who clearly dropped everything she was doing at home to come out here to be with me so I smile at her again. A tall man I assume to be Dr. Lincoln walks in, "Why am I in the ICU?" I ask him immediately, I don't know why but I just need to know the answer to that question. "Well Josh it's good to see you so alert!" he responds with a smile and then explains what happened. There was a truck who hit my bike, it spun out and I was thrown off. Luckily, I was thrown into the shoulder out of ongoing traffic. I hit my head, but Dr. Lincoln said "You wearing that helmet saved your life, kid." I just nodded. I always wear my helmet. I just want to know why I'm in the ICU. When I asked that question again he responds, "Well, you're spinal cord was also injured from the accident. The surgery was to help try and correct that. Which hopefully, worked out. As for the ICU, we put you here for a couple days because we want to keep a close eye on you and the progress you make." Then he says something I wasn't expecting to hear, "Josh, You're paralyzed from the waist down." 

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