Chapter 50

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*Savannah's POV* The next morning you wake up, knowing you have to get back to the hospital. Normally, you'd be dreading the entire day, not wanting to set another foot in that hell hole, but for some reason a smile is the first thing that comes to your face. "Good morning Beautiful." Josh says as he sees you're awake, "You should smile more often. I mean not that you don't smile," he says, "But it suits you. The world is a better place when you're smiling." You blush, unable to hide your embarrassment form his compliments, but not even bothering on trying. "Goodmorning handsome." you respond instead of trying to respond to his compliment. "I suppose we gotta get you back, hmm." Josh says sadly. "That's probably best." you say, not necessarily happily, but not as sadly as you would have imagined. "You see awfully okay with going back." Josh says, raising his eyebrow at you. "It's not that I want to go back, I mean.. Obviously I'd much rather be here." you then stumble over your words realizing what you said, "Or um, at my uh grandmas house. But I mean, as long as you're going back with me, and we're together. That's just really all I care about right now." After saying that, it's Josh's turn to blush, and then he smiles at you, "Good lord that was a cute answer." and then he kisses your nose, "Kinda like your face." You can't help but laugh a little bit at that response, and then in an unspoken agreement you both stand up and gather your things to head back to the hospital. When you get there, you check back in, and automatically go back to your room. Nicole comes in and hooks you up to your treatment right away, and says "Savannah, you have some tests that Dr. James wants to run today, Josh, you have pt in about 10 minutes if you wanna start heading down there!" Josh comes and kisses your forehead, "Good luck with your tests babe, Love you." The days when Josh has pt are your least favorite, because he's usually gone for the entire morning, comes back for lunch, and then has to go back afterwards. "Thank you, good luck at pt. Love you too." you say, smiling at him half heartedly as he slowly walks out of the room. As soon as he's gone, Nicole's head shoots over to you and she squeals. "DID I JUST HEAR AN I LOVE YOU TOO?" she basically screams, running over towards your bed. Not that your cancer nurse is the person you thought you'd be friends with and talking about boys with, but you're just glad someone cares. "Yes, you did." You say, feeling your cheeks go to a deep shade of pink but smiling all the while. "Oh. My. God." She says, her eyes widening and smiling, and then she says "Did you guys bang last night? Is that why your wanted to stay at Josh's?" "Nicole!" You scream, Smacking her arms softly, "Why would you ask that." "You didn't say no! You're not denying it, did Josh take your V-card last night?" You just shake your head. "Okay first of all, I can't believe you just called it a 'V-card' That is so, 1999. Also, I don't have a V-card to give Josh.. and thirdly, even if I did, that would be a big, fat, no. Josh can barely walk who knows if he can even...... perform." You both start laughing, and then she says, "So did you sleep with Raymond then?" You shake your head again, "I can't believe we're talking about this but, yes. I did sleep with Raymond. But he wasn't my first, my first was at some random party I went to when I first moved here after my parents died, and oh god. It was just awful." you say, "The guy was so so so inexperienced, he didn't even know what to do." And then you're both laughing again. After that, you fall asleep from your treatment, and when you wake up you're taken right into the lab for testing. When the test results get back an hour or so later, Dr. James comes into your room. "Hello Savannah." he says, "How are we feeling today?" "Pretty Good" you answer truthfully, the last few days you've been starting to feel better than before. You're not as sore, the treatment doesn't hurt or suck quite so much. "That is not at all surprising," he says with a smile, "We got some good results today." You smile, a real genuine smile, and realize you've been doing that a lot more lately. Then Dr. James tells you the news, he says, "Well, the treatment we've been doing has done it's job. Now the cancer isn't gone, but we've got it reduced enough to the point we can start chemotherapy tomorrow, and after that, hopefully get you out of here in any time period from a few weeks, to a month or two. With how everything's on track right now, you'll be home in two months tops." Home. You get to go home.

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