Chapter 24

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*Savannah's POV* You wake up from your nap in Josh's arms, this time very pleasantly please. "And the sleeping beauty awakes." Josh says smiling down at you. You just blush and return the smile, not knowing how to respond to his many compliments, but not complaining about them either. "How are you feeling?" he asks you when you don't respond. "I'm fine. I usually feel pretty good when I wake up." You tell him with a smile, sitting up a bit more so you can see him better. "I guess I uh.. I don't really know like.. do your legs hurt or anything or-" Josh laughs and says, "No they don't hurt, I'm just laying here not being able to feel anything below my waist. My upper body is still a bit sore, and my head. I got a concussion during the accident, but because I was wearing my helmet it wasn't too bad." You feel a little envious, because your entire body aches most of the time, but it's not Josh's fault. And you really wanna try being nice and not exploding at him. He's given you no reason that he'll not be there for you, so you want to try and trust him. He actually seems really genuine. And he says he loves you. "I'm glad you wear a helmet." you say instead of voicing the other thoughts going through your head. "Yeah me too. He says, And luckily I had long sleeves on so I didn't really have any road rash." he adds. "That's good" you say smiling at him, you just feel like smiling every time you look into his eyes. You're like a little girl who just discovered what it was like to like someone. "So any plans for today?" you add, hoping the answer is no so you and Josh can stay just like that. "Well I can't really leave, so no." He says grinning. "I didn't know if you were having any visitors or something." you say, not able to keep a smile off your face. "Jen is actually coming tomorrow." Josh says, "Other than that, most my close friends live back home in Union or other parts of the world. I mean I have some friends in LA, but most of them are also in the acting business and are all kind of busy right now." "Oh, that makes sense I guess. Where did you say you were from?" You ask. "Union, it's a pretty small town. It's in Kentucky." He tells you, and then he adds "I kinda like that you don't know anything about me. It's a refreshing change from the people who know every little thing about me." You smile. You can't help it. All you've done since you woke up was smile. He just makes you want to smile and never stop. "Well I guess that's the plan for today then." you say. "What is?" "Our plan for today is getting to know the little things about each other." You tell him. He grabs your hand, folding his thumb over yours and says "How about this. I have therapy in about half an hour. Until then, we'll sit here and watch Judge Judy," pointing to the tv that was on mute with Judge Judy's picture on it, "Then I'll go to therapy and afterwardswe'll talk about ourselves until our jaws hurt." "Sounds like a deal" You tell Josh happilyand he says "Alrighty then, It's a date" 

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