Chapter 49

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*Savannah's POV* "God you're beautiful." Josh says in between kisses, making you fall deeper and deeper for him. You respond the only way you can, telling the truth and saying "God you're handsome." Then after a few moments he whispers "I love you, Savannah." The timing and setting isn't what you imagined, but you just feel the need to tell Josh. For some reason, you just need to tell him. The words are on your tongue and then you stop kissing him for just a second, looking at him and saying "I love you too, Josh." Josh looks like he just found out he won the lottery. His eyes dilate and go completely still, looking at you wide and unblinking. His jaw clenches a little bit and one corner starts to turn up into that grin of his you can never get enough of, but he stops there, afraid you're playing some sick joke on him. "Savannah.. you, you don't have to stay that. I know I say it a lot but I just can't help it. I don't expect you to say it back, please don't feel like you have to say that." Josh says, stumbling on his words a little bit. "Josh I'm not saying it back because you said it. I'm saying it back, because it's true. I've been trying to find a way to tell you, a way to let you know I really do love you. And I just, I couldn't wait any longer." Josh smiles, not just a grin. But a full out smile. "Now was the absolute perfect time." he says, leaning up and kissing you again. After, Josh says "Do you want to watch a movie to fall asleep to, or just go to bed?" You think for a moment, responding with "I've been working on watching all your movies, and I haven't seen Little Manhattan yet, can we watch that?" Josh giggles like a little kid, "I can't believe you're going to make me watch my own movie." You smile, and you say "you're just such a cute little kid, I can't help but wanna watch it." Josh laughs and says "Okay fine, we can watch it. But I kinda miss when you just thought I was another jack ass actor and didn't care about my career." and he winks at you, so that you know he's completely kidding. "Oh I liked your career much more that I liked you," you tell Josh, "I was a huge fan of RV and Zathura growing up. And I loved The Hunger Games series when I read the books, I thought you made a pretty good Peeta, I just didn't like you." you say, nudging his side with your elbow. It feels kinda weird to be joking about this because a month ago, you hated Josh, and now you're telling him you love him, but Josh just smiles and sarcastically says "Pretty good? PRETTY GOOD? I make a fabulous Peeta. I was basically the only candidate." He fake flips long hair like a diva and You both laugh and the he says, "Okay I'll go get Little Manhattan and some water, you want anything else?" "Just you." you say winking and Josh says, "Oh baby don't do that to me when I'm supposed to be leaving your side." he kisses you softly, and then leaves, returning about ten minutes later with two bottles of water and a copy of Little Manhattan. "This is my moms favorite movie," Josh explains as he puts it in the dvd player, "Because even though the acting is minimal, Connor is in it too, so she gets to see both her boys." Then he laughs a little bit saying, "She likes Connor's part better than mine in this movie I think, She always pauses it on the split seconds he's on the screen and gets all giddy." Josh jumps back into bed with you, and by jumps, he really carefully and slowly sits down because his legs don't really have the ability to jump yet. You snuggle up to him, ready to fall asleep to his first big movie, happy to finally be really alone with him. "Goodnight Savannah." Josh says kissing your forehead as he turns the bedside lamp off and pulls you into his strong and protective arms. "Goodnight Josh," you say and the quietly add, "I love you." Josh grins at you and says "I can get used to you saying that."

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