Chapter 41

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*Savannah's POV* "I got it!" You yell from upstairs, grabbing Josh's present and your purse and then proceeding to run downstairs only to see that your dipshit of a little brother, opened the door and invited Josh in. As you slow to a stop in front of him, you take a deep breath and try and adjust your hair and dress to the most flattering way possible without being too obvious about it. Josh doesn't need to adjust his perfectly styled hair or his drop-dead sexy suit. It's a bright navy suit, with a black shirt underneath, black lapels, and a dark blue tie. Your eyes about pop out of your head, seeing him for the first time in real life, super dressed up. Especially because it's tightly fitted, and for the first real time you see how muscular he is and how nice of a body he really does have. "These are for you" Josh says with a smile that melts your heart, handing you a dozen roses. "Thank you, Josh. Let me get a vase for them so they don't die." You say, grabbing them from his hands and walking toward the cabinet with vases. You put water in it and then set the roses down on the counter "They're beautiful" You say to Josh as he finally gets over to the sink next to where you're standing. "Just like you." he says, exhaling deeply clearly getting tired. "Did you bring your chair? You seem like you're getting really tired already." you say, nervously. "No. I'm bringing you on a date, while walking. Like any normal person." He demands. "Josh You're not normal, normal is boring." you answer, "I just don't want anything to happen." Josh grins at you, "I'll be okay as long as you're okay with walking slowly." At that point Rosie comes running towards both of you and says "Joss!" Grabbing onto his leg and hugging him. The last few times you and Josh has been with Henry and Rosie, she's become very fond of him, barely spending any time with you. Josh bends over at the waist instead of the knees, and picks Rosie up in his arms. "How's the cutest little Valentine here?" he asks Rosie. "Duhd." She answers, instead of 'good' with a giant smile spreading across her face. "Listen up little girl," Josh says smiling and looking at her, "As much as I'd love to stay here with you, Me and your Auntie have reservations at a very fancy restaurant, so you're gonna have to go back to Daddy now!" Obviously Josh doesn't have to tell her all of this, because she only will get a few of the words, but she smiles and when Henry walks over to them she says "Daddy!" and as soon as Henry puts his arms out she about leaps into them. "Excuse us," Henry says, "But we have Beauty and the Beast to watch. Say bye to Auntie and Josh Baby!" "Bye Bye" Rosie smiles, and they walk back towards the living room. "It's cute how good Henry is with Rosie." Josh says grabbing your hand and kissing it softly. "He really grew up when he had to become a Dad." You smile, and then you add "it's cute how good you are with Rosie, She loves you." "Well the feeling is mutual, Shall we?" he asks, nodding back towards the door. You pick up his gift and your purse saying "We shall" Josh leans down kissing you, and you're off to start your first Valentines Day Date with Josh.

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