Chapter 60

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You're speechless. What does he mean. He has to go to Minnesota, for work? What does that even mean. Does he have to shoot a scene there, and if so why do you have to come with. Finally Henry is the one to speak up saying, "What do you mean, Josh?" Then Josh starts to explain. "I just got a call from the Make A Wish Foundation. There's this girl in Minnesota, and she has cancer. And well, her wish was to get a visit from me because she's a big fan, and she knew that my girlfriend had cancer, so she really wanted you to come with." "Minnesota?" you say quietly, "they want us to go to Minnesota?" Josh sits down next to you and grabs your hand interlocking your fingers and he says "Listen Baby, I know that you haven't been back to Minnesota since you guys moved out here. and I know it's going to be hard.. But she really was wanting you to come with me. And I promise I will be there every step of the way." "Can I talk to you a minute Savi?" Henry says then, standing up and starting to walk a little way down the beach. You get up and follow him without a word. When he stops you do, and he turns to you "Sav you have to go with Josh. I see in your eyes that you're about to freak out. You have to go with him. This is his job, this is a little girl going through what you went through. And she might love Josh but you can really relate to her. You can help. You have to go with him." You lunge into Henry's arms and hug him tightly burying your head in his chest and trying not to cry. "I know I do but I'm scared." "It's okay to be scared, Sav. But Josh will there with you every step of the way." Henry says hugging you back tightly. "I never thought I'd have to go back there, and if I did I always thought it'd be with you." You know Henry won't be able to come, with work and with Rosie it's just not plausible for him to be able to come. "Josh will be there, Sav. It'll be okay. I know it will." "Okay," you say, "I'll go." and with that you both walk back to where Josh and Kate are sitting, smiling and laughing with each other. "Sooo," you say, "I uh, when do we leave?" "You're coming?" Josh asks with a smile. "Yeah, of course I am." you say, "You know I can't say no to you. And I don't wanna break this little girls heart with only giving her Josh Hutcherson for a wish." Josh laughs and smiles, "We leave on Tuesday." Tuesday. You're going back to Minnesota in just a few days. A few hours later, after hanging out and going out for ice cream, you bring Kate back home and then Henry. When you get there, Josh says he has to go in to go to the bathroom, so you wait in the jeep and then go home with Josh. It's amazing to you how fast Josh's house became home. It's not Josh's house, it's not just a place to stay. It's home. That night you and Josh cuddle in his bed, watching "What's Your Number" until you fall asleep. The next day you get up and after breakfast, you go to Target to get some groceries, and out for Frozen Yogurt afterwards. You spot a poster saying that they're hiring, and Josh sees you looking at it. "You don't need to get a job, baby. I have more than enough financial stability for the both of us." "I know I don't need a job, but I want one. And until I can figure out what I'm doing with my life, I feel like I need to do something." you answer. "Do you ever think you'd like to maybe try actually acting, like.. more than an extra?" he asks you "I'm not that good Josh, I could never be an actress." "I think you could. I really think so." He says, "Let's just.. Let me get a few scripts for you to read through, and if you find anything that interests you, you can audition. And if not, we can try and find a job that has to do with your interests rather than a frozen yogurt shop." "Okay.. Deal." you say. You don't think you could ever be an actress but if Josh thinks your good enough you might as well just give the scripts a shot. You go through the rest of the day, and Monday night comes. You and Josh spend the night packing and then you go to bed, knowing that tomorrow you are going back to Minnesota.


You wake up to the song Neon Lights playing, what you set as your ring tone of the alarm. You rub your eyes, and turn the alarm off, turning to Josh and kissing his cheek. "Time to wake up, darling." you say quietly wishing you could just go back to bed and 'accidently miss your flight' So you would have to stay home. You know that you'd just have to go another time, though, and you would rather just get it over with now. Although you told Josh you'd be happy to go and try and act excited when he talks about it, you're truly terrified. And you really wish you were going with Henry. Of course you're glad Josh will be there, but the thought of facing the place where you grew up without Henry is awful. Josh tries to understand, but Henry is really the only person who does understand what it actually feels like to be back there where so many things, mainly bad, but also some good happened. Obviously you're going to be thinking of the time you spent in the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, because that's where you stayed the majority of the time you had cancer, and that's where Josh's fan, Alyssa is also staying. And Obviously you'll be thinking of your parents and their accident. But despite the bad, you have to remember the good that happened when you lived there too, the friends you had, the fun that happened. Nearly the only places you have memories with your parents is in Minnesota. "Goodmorning my love." Josh says rubbing his eyes before turning onto his side and kissing the corner of your mouth, "You always look so great in the morning." You kiss him again, and sarcastically say "Yeah I bet smudged makeup and morning breath is really attractive. Too bad I don't have long hair still that could be all frizzy and messy." "I wasn't kidding," Josh says, "You honestly are beautiful. Morning breath and smudged makeup in all." He rolls on top of you squishing you purposely. "oh I bet your baggy shirt is really attractive too" you grunt, trying to get used to his body weight on you. "You know I love when you wear my shirts to bed." he says, playing with the hem of his button up shirt you put on last night before crawling into bed. "Well I have to say I love what you wear to bed, too." you say, putting your hands on his bare chest, "But get off me you fatty." Josh rolls off the other side of you, smiling up at you and then kissing again. "Are you ready for today?" he asks after he pulls away just a bit, still close but your lips not touching. "I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be." you answer, honestly, kissing him once again. You both get up then and in an unspoken agreement start getting ready. You put on a pair of yoga pants along with a crew neck sweatshirt that used to be Josh's, along with a beanie. He gave the crew neck to you after you wore it every chance you had. Josh puts on a different pair of basketball shorts from the ones he was sleeping in, and pulls a plain black shirt over his head, adding a beanie as well. You grab your bags and load them into the jeep, and go back in to eat breakfast. After breakfast, you and Josh grab your final things, your purse and his backpack, and go outside to see Henry's truck pulling up into the driveway. You get what you know is a confused look on your face, and you stop dead in your tracks. Henry gets out of his truck grabbing a suitcase and backpack from the back and puts them in the jeep next to your bags. He then looks at you with a smile, "You ready to go back home?"

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