Chapter 11

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*Savannah's POV* After you're no longer dizzy or nauseous, you turn your body and try to sleep but you just cant. Nicole walks in but you fake sleeping so you don't have to talk. You hear her open the curtain and wish she wouldn't. You don't need Josh to see you, in fact you'd prefer if he didn't. "How's everything going over here Josh?" Nicole asks. "Everything is perfect, besides my legs really itch." he says and after what you're sure is a confused and questioning look from Michelle and Nicole, he busts out laughing at his own failed joke. You have to give him props though, you're not joking about your sickness. You probably wouldn't be joking if your legs didn't work. "Joshua Ryan why are you joking about stuff like that." Michelle says, scolding him again. She scolds him a lot, but in a playful loving way, so he knows she's semi-joking. "Well I'm gonna be here for awhile, I may as well try and enjoy myself. Positive thinking will help with positive results." "You are wise beyond your years, my boy" Michelle says and Nicole giggles a little bit. After Nicole leaves you hear Michelle say, "So Josh, What's the story with Savannah?" Josh sighs and says "I don't know mom. She seems to not like me. But she seems to like you. I mean I don't know what I did wrong. She just seems like she has despised me since the moment I walked in here-erm I mean rolled... I mean I know she didn't have a roommate before, but I didn't think I was that terrible of a person to hate me because I have to be in the empty bed next to you..." He says like he's actually hurt that you don't like him. It was a little shocking that he realized you didn't like him, but I guess you didn't really try to hide it. "No Josh, I mean.. I see the way you look at her." Michelle says. What way does he look at you?"Well I mean, she's beautiful. There's no doubting that." Josh says like it's a simple fact, "But she doesn't like me so.. I don't know. I'm just gonna try to get through these next few months causing her as little pain as possible." Well at least he's going to be civil about being roommates. Maybe if you tell him that looking at him and hearing him causes you pain, he'll keep the curtain shut and not talk. You're sick of listening to him, so you let yourself fall into a deep sleep as you feel the after affects of your treatment taking place. When you wake up what you realize it's the next morning, Josh is sitting on his phone facetiming somebody. Once again the curtain is completely open, great. When you sit up and he realizes your awak, he says "Connor I gotta go, talk to you later!" and hangs up his phone. "Morning roomie!" He says with a smile. "Goodmorning. You didn't have to stop talking to your friend just because I woke up." He smiles again. Damn he is attractive. NO SAVANNAH. Clear that thought from your mind. He's just another guy. Average. Not cute. You can't think he's cute. "It's fine. It was just my brother, and I didn't wanna disturb you." he says, "Oh and hey before I forget, my Mom said to tell you goodbye. She had to leave really early this morning to go back home, so she didn't stop by to say goodbye after she left last night." You try your best to look pleased at him, "Tell her I said bye. She's really nice." You say, not knowing why on earth you're making small talk with this guy. "Yeah, she's really great. I couldn't ask for a better family." He says, smiling more at himself than you this time.  You remind yourself that he doesn't know your parents died. But it still hurts that this guy not only has a great life, but also a great family and yours was torn apart. "What about your friends? I'm sure you have a lot so why haven't they visited yet?" You ask him. "Well they couldn't visit in the ICU. Jen knew my mom was here yesterday, she has stuff to do today. Maybe she'll stop by sometime soon." He acts like Jen's is only friend, but before you can say anything he asks "What's your family like?" At that exact moment, Henry walks in with Rosie in his arms. "Her family is absolutely fantastic!" Henry says with a charming smile on his face. Oh great, just what you need right now. Your brother coming in and becoming best friends with Josh freakingHutcherson.

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