Chapter 17

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*Savannah's POV* The room is awkwardly silent until Nicole walks in a few hours later. "Hey guys" she says cheerful as ever and neither you nor Josh respond. "You ready for your treatment?" she asks you with a questioning look. "Yep." You respond, still in a bad mood from your fight with Josh. She brings the bag over and hooks it up to the post it stands on and runs the tube down to your IV Pic. You now just have a IV pic in your arm that is there at all times without being hooked up to anything, and the two times a day you have your treatment the tube is connected and then taken off again so you aren't really stuck to anything anymore. Once you're treatment starts, you lay your head back down and hide almost completely under your blanket. "How we doing today Josh?" She says as she walks over to him. "Fine." he answers shortly. "You want to stay there or go back to your bed?" "I'll go back to my bed." he answers. She takes the machine over and helps him into bed and then leaves the room to silence again. After your treatment you fall asleep and wake up to Josh's phone ringing and him answering with a "Hello" Once again you only hear his end of the conversation. "no." "no." "can you come tomorrow or something?" "I just don't feel up to it tonight." "no please don't." "just not tonight okay." "I know what I said. I do miss you. I just. Not tonight Jen." "Okay I'll see you later. Love you." "Yep bye." You feel sort of bad. Josh was actually going to have a visitor besides his mom and you ruined it. I'm sure hundreds of is adoring fans would love to come visit. "Don't let me ruin your night with friends. I'll be sleeping shortly." Josh looks over at you, and you're staring face to face silently. The curtain almost always stays open now. Because Nicole thinks were friends. And so does every other person who comes in this room. "I didn't realize you were up. and I just don't feel like seeing her okay." Josh says, "It's nothing you did." "It's the first time you've been in a bad mood since the day you got here and it's my fault. I'm sure she'll cheer you up. Tell her to come." "Listen Savannah, I know you think it's because of our little conversation, but really I'm just feeling a bit down because I can't walk, or move above the waist, or do anything for myself really." he says. "Well, it could be worse." you say, trying to decide if you mean it in a positive or negative way. When Josh doesn't say anything for a few minutes you lift your voice as best you can and try and sound encouraging. "Really I mean it. You'll get through this, it's just another obstacle to overcome." "I figured you thought I didn't have to overcome any obstacles in my life. Being an actor and all." he says grimly. "I'm sorry I said those things Josh, I'm sure you've gone through much more than I know." You've been through a lot more than he knows. Josh sighs and looks you deep in the eyes. You get lost in his beautiful hazel eyes for a second and then get brought out of your trance when he starts talking again. "Why do you do that?" he asks, "Why do one minute you act like you'd rather share a room with Hitler and the next minute you act like we're best friends who tell each other everything." You take a deep breath. You can't believe you're actually getting into this with him again. "I just.. I don't-.." You try and find the right words and fail, "I just don't know how to put everything into words." "You know what I think. I think you are really a sweet girl. I think you're really nice and you use a hard exterior and rudeness to mask that because you don't want to be hurt. Just talk it through. It's the only thing that will make our far to long stay civil." Josh tells you. You take a deep breath and can't believe you're actually going to tell him this. "It all really started a few days before my 6th birthday."  

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