Chapter 43

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*Savannah's POV* "When do you want to open your present?" you ask Josh as he's driving to the next unknown location, trying to keep your mind occupied so you don't just shout out 'I LOVE YOU' and give the poor guy a heart attack. It has to be at the right moment. You have to say it so that he knows you actually love him, as much as he loves you. "I have the time for your gift, so I guess I can open mine at the same time." he says, and then he says "Will you do me a favor?" "of course I will." you say looking to him. "Never leave me." he says quietly, still looking at the road. "Josh.." you say, unable to process quite what he means. "Savannah, I've known you just over a month. But I cannot ever imagine being without you. Please, just don't leave me. ever." He seems as if he's about to start crying, but he keeps his eyes glued on the road so you can't tell. "Josh I," you stumble over your words unable to say the words you know you have to, "Josh I can't promise you that." "Why? Is it something I did wrong? Is there

something else I can do to change it?" he asks, looking at you for the first time. His eyes are red, not crying but clearly on the verge. "Josh it's nothing you did or can do it's just.." Now it's you fighting the tears, trying to be strong, but oh so sick of being the one who always tries to be strong, "It's just that I.. I'm a twenty year old girl, who's already had cancer, twice. Josh there's a fifty percent chance, that I'll never leave that hospital alive. There's a fifty percent chance that I'm going to die, and soon. Josh I know that it's hard to think about that, but for me, it's harder to think about making a promise to you that I can't keep." Josh is quiet, until he pulls of the road and park on a side street. He looks over you and you see tears streaming down his face. "Josh please don't cry," you say, taking his face in your hands and rubbing the tears from his face. "Josh, please. I know it's hard, but you'll be okay, even if I'm not." That was the wrong thing to say, because he cries even harder, and so you just put his face into your shoulder and hold him. "That's the thing," he says, "Savannah if you're not okay I don't think I will ever be okay again." He looks up into your eyes at that point, and you both hold tears back. "Josh, please, you have to know that I need you to be happy, no matter what happens to me." "You're what makes me happy." he says. You lean up at that moment and kiss Josh, you just kiss him, your hands tangled in the back of his hair, his hands going to your waist after a moment of hesitation ends. When your lips break Josh says "We're not supposed to be crying." he says, "It's supposed to be a happy day. We're supposed to be laughing and flirting and kissing." At that point, you laugh and he does too. "We'll get through whatever life throws at us, but as for now.. Let's just enjoy our night together." you say trying to lift the spirits. "I'm sorry I even brought it up." Josh says, and you answer "Don't be sorry."Josh starts the jeep again and starts driving, this time all smiles. You talk and sing in a terribly pitched and loud voice to each other. Finally you get to the place Josh was planning on going. You get out of the jeep after he once again opens your door, and enter a small building. "I wanted to take you ice skating," Josh says after he opens the door, "but I can barely walk so that's going to have to wait. Instead we're going to just going to go on a little ride." You're a bit confused until you see what he means. "This sounds perfect Josh" you say honestly, and you both change into more casual clothes, put on your jackets, gloves, and hats ready to enjoy your Valentines day.

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