Chapter 6

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*Josh's POV* "Wha-.. What?" I ask, looking down at my legs and realizing for the first time that I can't feel or, after attempting to, move them at all. "No that can't be right." Dr. Lincoln looks at me with an easy going smile, or frown, I honestly can't tell and I really don't care. "I'm sorry Josh. There is good news however, the portion of your spinal cord that was injured was small, and the surgery was pretty successful. After a month or so here, hopefully, you'll be able to start walking again, and then after a few months of therapy, you'll be mobile enough to leave the hospital. In a few years, you shouldn't have any issues with your legs, you should be able to run, walk, ride your bike, exercise, what every you'd like. "A few YEARS?" I say in the form of a question, but really it's just me complaining. "I don't have a few years. I have to shoot the final part of Mockingjay next month. Do more surgery or give me some new high tech medicine. Do something." I can't not be able to walk. I can't be paralyzed. I can't not shoot Mockingjay. I can't not ride bike or run or exercise for years. "I'm sorry, Josh. But there is nothing else I can do for you. If you would've gotten this injury just a few years ago you'd be paralyzed for the rest of your life. Josh you're extremely lucky. You should have died in that accident. It's a miracle you're even talking right now, that you're even conscious. It's a miracle that you're even alive, try to remember that these next few months, they will be the toughest. Now I have to go, I have another surgery in 15 minutes. If you have any more questions ask one the nurses and she can answer for you. I'll be checking in with you in a couple days to see if you can be transferred to a regular room." And with that he walks out of the door. I can't believe I'm paralyzed. I have to be able to walk. This wasn't supposed to happen to me. I.. I have a good life. I support myself and my family, plenty of girls like me, I.. I... Bad things aren't supposed to happen to good people. "Josh try and get some rest honey." My Mom says, reminding me that she's in the room. "I dont want to rest I want this to never have happened. This isn't fucking fair. Why'd this have to happen to me, why couldn't it have happened to someone who cheated on a girl or someone who stole money from a bank or somebody. This isn't fair Mom." "Joshua you just got out of surgery. You have to relax honey. It's not fair. I know it's not, but you're strong Josh. You're gonna get through this because you're a fighter. You don't take no for an answer." Then before I know it, I'm crying. Literally sobbing like a child and my Mom is trying her best to comfort me, but honestly I just need to cry. There's this stereo type that men aren't supposed to cry, but how would you like it if you were told you wouldn't be leaving a hospital for a couple months and wouldn't be completely mobile again for years. "Thank you mom." I say after a few hours of silence only interrupted by my tears and the beeping of the machines I'm hooked up to. "For what?"she asks. "For being here. For everything. Are Dad and Connor still at home?" "Yeah, Dad couldn't get off work, and Connor was scared. He didn't want to see you in case, um-" I cut my mom off saying "-incase I died." "He just, he wanted his last memory of seeing you to be a good one if the unthinkable were to happen." I understand why he did that. I get it, I wouldn't really want to see him if I knew there was a chance it would be the last time I saw him. But I also wouldn't want to not be there for him. "You can go home Mom. You don't need to stay here if you have something you need to do." I say, suddenly aware she dropped what she was doing to come here for three days. "I want to stay here Josh, at least until you get settled into your permanent room." She answers, ending the conversation like that. The next few days go on and on in the ICU. There's a lot of doing nothing, a lot of pain, and a lot of my legs not working at all, until finally, Dr. Lincoln comes back to my room with more news about what will happen next.

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