Chapter 20

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*Savannah's POV* You don't know why. You don't know if it's an impulse from being so close to him. You don't know if it's actual feelings or if it's just living in the moment. But you lift your head up off of his chest slowly, suddenly very conscious of your body pressed against his and push your lips onto his. You stay like that, for just a moment. Your lips on his, and nothing else in the world seems to matter. It doesn't matter that Raymond broke up with you. It doesn't matter you have cancer. It doesn't matter Josh can't walk. Nothing matters but your lips on his. You pull away from his lips a few seconds later, and return your head to his chest without saying a thing. He doesn't say anything either.You both lay there in silence for a long, long, long time. Then Josh softly says "Savannah?" You don't look at him, or move at all, but you respond with a simple "Yeah?" "Thank You." That confuses you, "Thank you for what?" you question. "Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for telling me everything you did. Thank you for opening up to me, and thank you for being you." Josh says quietly. "Thank you for listening, and putting up with me." You answer Josh and then it returns to silence. A little bit later you're fighting to keep your eyes open, and you can tell that Josh is getting tired too from the steadiness and slowness of his breathing. "I should really go to bed.. I'm getting really tired." You say quietly and you sit up, getting ready to go back to your bed. Josh's hand goes to your waist and pulls you back to him. "Don't leave. Not yet. Please. Please stay just a bit longer." Josh whispers. "Josh I can't stay awake any longer, I have to go to sleep." You say back, yawning afterward. "Then just go to sleep." he says, pulling you even closer to him. "Josh.." you say. "Sav please." He says, "Please stay. This is the first time I've been happy, truly happy the whole time I've been here. Please." You try and decide what's the best thing to do, but all you can say is "That's the first time you've called me anything but Savannah.""Oh I uh.. Sorry, I meant uh Savannah." He stutters. "It's okay, I uh, I liked it." you tell him. "So you'll stay?" he asks. You sigh, cuddle up to him again, say "Are you sure that you're okay with me uh.." you pause briefly not knowing how to finish your question. "With what?" he asks sweetly. "With me falling asleep here. I mean I don't know if you have a girlfriend, or if you want any drama to possibly get out or anything or if you get uncomforta-" Josh cuts you off saying "I wouldn't want you to be anywhere else." With that you lay your head back on his chest, and you say "Are you sure? I mean, What about Jen, or any other girls? or your fans.. I mean.. There's so many eyes on you and I just don't want something to go wrong." "Sav I thought you were tired." Josh says, "You can go to sleep. please. I want you right here. I'm happy with you being right here. I don't care what people think. There's no other girls. This is what I want, as long as it's what you want." You try and decide if he's talking about sleeping in his bed or spending the rest of his life with you, because he sure seems enthusiastic about it... But you're so tired, and comfortable, and happy there in his arms you really don't care. "It's what I want too." you respond. He kisses your forehead and says "Goodnight Savannah, Sweet dreams." "Goodnight Josh" you respond as you close your eyes and drift off into a deep sleep laying in his arms.

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