Chapter 22

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*Savannah's POV* "Wha--er.... What?" You stutter out trying to grasp what Josh just said to you. "I love you Savannah. I LOVE you. I don't get why that's so hard for you to see." Josh says back, almost shouting, but also just sounding purely exhausted. "How could you love me Josh. I am nothing but mean to you. My life is so screwed up, I don't have money or a plan for life like you do. I have cancer. Nobody could love a girl like me, especially a boy like you." Josh takes a deep breath and is silent for a few minutes. You stay silent as well, both just laying in bed staring at the ceiling. You start to feel nauseous and you know it's from the treatment, but the conversation you're having sure isn't helping. "You just don't get it Savannah." Josh says finally, "I don't love a person because they're rich or famous or have a 'perfect' life or appearance. I love someone for them. And I knew the moment I saw you that I loved you." You turn your head and look at him but he just keeps looking at the ceiling. "You mean you believe in all that love at first sight shit." you say, trying to grasp what he's saying and having great difficulty doing so. "I didn't.." he says sounding like he's on the verge of crying or something of that affect, "Not until I saw you." He can't love you. He's Josh Hutcherson. He's a famous actor. He knows countless beautiful women. He has money and a nice house. He could have any person on this earth if he wanted. But he's choosing you. It. Can't. Be. Right. Then you think back through the things that have happened since that day you met him. It's only been a week since you met him. You met Josh Seven days ago and everything seems like it's been going on forever. The day you met him, he smiled at you the second he was rolled into the room, with a weird sort of smile. You thought nothing about it then but now.. Now... No.. It couldn't be. You think about how nice he has been. You do nothing but yell at him and make rude comments. He's always been nice in return.His mom was overly nice to you.. and that conversation they had together while they thought you were sleeping. And his conversation he had with Jen on the phone as you were waking up. Him talking about what a douche Raymond was, and wanting to beat him up.. comforting you after Raymond broke up with you. Everything's starting to point to the fact that he does indeed love you.. but how did you not catch it before. "You really love me?" you ask him. For the first time he looks over to you and looks you deep in the eyes and he says "I really do. I've never thought about someone this much. I never thought I could have these feelings for anyone. But I can't get you out of my head." You take a deep breath and say "Josh I really don't know what to say.. I. I'm not good with words unless it's on paper.. I just.. I don't-"  Josh cuts you off saying "I know you don't love me Savannah. Or even like me. That's pretty clear. I just had to tell you before it ate me from the inside out. You don't have to say anything" You get up out of bed, and because you're still attached to your IV from the treatment, you roll that over to his bed, sit on the edge of it saying "I like you Josh. I just.. I don't know- I'm not good at this stuff." Josh leans up and turns your head turning your face towards his and kisses you again. "I'm not either." he says, and you giggle a little bit before kissing him again.

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