Chapter 31

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*Savannah's POV* You just turn and run, run from the room where what you feared would happen did. You always knew Josh and Jen were close, but he really made it seems like they were just friends. You don't lay on top of your 'just friend' like that smiling with your lips inches from each others. When I get to the elevator, I press the button to go back to my floor, happy to have a break to catch your breath from the 25 feet you had ran from the door to the elevator. You felt good waking up from my nap, but seeing that and the long term effects of this treatment are making everyday activities extremely difficult. You get back to your bed and collapse, happy to be alone but also dreading the fact Josh will probably soon be returning to the bed next to you. Nicole walks in a minute later and asks "I thought you were going to hang out with Josh and Jen?" Then she sees your face and says "What's wrong girl?" "I was. I was going to hang out with them, but I walked in on them basically making out so I just turned and left." you respond, trying to keep your breath and words steady, but failing. "You saw Josh and Jen kiss?" she asks amazed. "Well," you say, "No, but he was laying on top of her on the couch and their faces were inches from each other so I left." "Wait Josh wasn't in his chair?" Nicole asks. "Nope." "Shit, there's no lift there. I have to go check on them, I'll be back." Nicole says, basically running out of the room. About 15 minutes later, instead of Nicole coming back, Josh comes into the room, pushing himself quickly with red cheeks and a clenched jaw. "Savannah" he says breathlessly, looking at you. You refuse him the eye contact, turning your body so you're facing the wall. "Savannah please look at me." Silence. You remain quiet and remain facing the wall, not wanting to look him in the eye, and knowing you'll probably break down if you do. More silence. "Okay fine then. If you're not going to look at me, then just listen to me." Josh says quietly, and then he speaks up again. "There is nothing between Jen and I. I used to think there was, After the first movie, during the second movie I really thought I may love her. But then we kissed. We kissed not on camera, not for anybody but ourselves about a year ago. And I knew, I knew that we weren't meant to be together. I knew the love I thought I felt was just feelings for the moment, the love was a friendly love. and she did too. But when I kissed you, it was so different. When I kissed you I saw fireworks, I got butterflies in my stomach. No matter how cliché It sounds I knew when I kissed you I was meant to be with you. Jen and I are Just friends. That's all it is. We're still best friends, but that's all we're ever going to be. Jen has Nick now, and she's completely happy with him. And well.. I'm happy too. I'm happy when I'm here with you. When you walked into that room up there, Jen literally had just fallen, trying to help me onto the couch and I fell with her, you walked it at the worst possible time. But we didn't kiss today, Savannah. I would never do that to you. I couldn't do that." Josh sighs loudly and the wheels towards the door, "I guess I'll leave you alone for awhile, I'll try and find some where I canbe until you fall asleep tonight." He's just out the door when you say "Josh Just wait!" as loudly as you can, and then get up out of bed and run towards him. He spins around looking at you with a frown but hopeful eyes. You walk the last few steps to his chair, bend down, and kiss him whispering "I see fireworks and get butterflies too."  

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