Chapter 10

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*Savannah's POV* "Joshua Ryan look what I found!" A lady with short blonde hair says happily as she walks into your room. She looks at you with a frown. "I'm sorry I must have the wro-" "I'm over here Mom" Josh says. You watch as a light goes off in the woman's head. "Ohhhh Right. Hi Darling, I'm Michelle. I'm Josh's Mom." She says with a genuine smile. "Hi, I'm Savannah" you say, trying to mask the bad mood you're in. "Nice to meet you!" She says coming up towards your bed to shake your hand. She has to move the bags that are in her hands around to do it, so you wave her off and say "You, too" She smiles gratefully and walks over towards Josh. She opens the curtain all the way so now there's nothing but space between your bed and Josh's as all your machines are the left side of your bed, and his machines are on the right side. "I was just gonna show Josh these, but since you're sharing a room I guess they're kinda for you too!" She says looking over to you and digging through one of the bags. "I was at Target looking around for a little bit after I got lunch, and I found these cute little things that I figured would add more color around here." She says, taking out a bunch of little colorful decorations. Then she looks at you, "I'm glad you're a girl because there's some pink stuff! I didn't think Josh would enjoy that on his side so we can put it over here!" she says pointing to your walls. You smile and so does she. You already like Michelle. Much more than you like her son, anyways.Michelle starts walking around the room hanging everything up. When she's done, she walks to the chair in Josh's half of the room and brings it in between your beds and starts talking. You are shocked that she is doing that. You expected her to sit on Josh's side and talk quietly to her son about how he was doing with the fact that he can't move his legs. At least he doesn't have to go through each day wondering if he'll live to the next. You try and push that thought from your mind. He might be a big headed, self centered celebrity but it's not his fault you have cancer. It's not his fault his injury isn't going to threaten his life. "So Savannah tell me about yourself!" Michelle says smiling over at you. Josh looks at you too. he watches you closely with a slight smile on his face, as if he's recording every word you're saying and trying to memorize the way the muscles in your face move. "Um, well I'm 20 years old. I live here in LA, but I grew up in Minnesota with my brother and parents. I uh, well I spent most my childhood in some hospital or another because of the cancer. I have a boyfriend, and I go to, well I guess now went, to school at CalArts which is the California Institute for the arts. I guess that's kinda it." You say not really sure if you should look at Michelle, Josh, or your fingernails. "Oh that's really cool! What do you do at CalArts? Are you and actress?" Michelle asks. The question makes you wanna barf. Even the actor students there make you wanna barf. "Uh, no. I am in a creative writing program and I do a lot of work in the art department too. and the music and photography programs as well. I guess I kinda do stuff all over the board, well besides acting." you say trying not to let on that you can't stand actors. "You should check out some classes in the acting department when you go back," Josh says smiling, "I have some friends who took classes there and loved them" "I'll keep it in mind." you say flatly. "Joshua we're talking about her life, not yours. Be polite." Michelle says scolding her son. "Sorry Savannah." Josh says with a smile. "You smile an awful lot for someone stuck in that hospital bed." you tell him trying to sound nice. "Well, I sure wasn't smiling the first three days up in the ICU. I was miserable. But I figured I might as well accept it. I'll get better eventually. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but all I can do for now is have a positive attitude about it." He says, Nicole comes in then and tells you that it's time for your night time treatment and you're grateful you don't have to respond. You let her hook up the bag and then ask her to close the curtain. You don't need Michelle and Josh to see you in pain. You don't need them to see you on the verge of crying or throwing up. You don't want them to see your weakness.

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