Chapter 58

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[Henry's POV] I get to my truck and Kate's right behind me, getting in as I do. "Listen Kate, I'm really sorry and I know this is really rude but I really just don't have time to bring you home. I have to go to the hospital so if you could uh, maybe get a ride home or something that'd be great." I say to her, feeling terrible but not being able to think of anything but Rosie. "I'm coming with you to the hospital." She says as she slams the truck door shut. "You uh, you're sure you want to go there?" I ask. The ER isn't really the place most people hope to spend the night of their first date with someone. "I'm sure, come on. Let's get going." She says, and I don't have time to ask her again so I throw the truck in reverse and screech out of the parking lot. I zoom in and out of the traffic, going much faster than I safely should. I finally get to the hospital, and I run inside, Kate right behind me. "Tell me where Rosie Collins is right now." I say to the nurse at the station. I know I'm being rude, but just need to see my daughter. "Excuse me sir?" She says sassily. "Look I'm sorry just please tell me where she is." "I'm sorry but we don't allow visitors in the ER you'll both just have to wait from updates from her family." "SHE'S MY DAUGHTER FOR GODS SAKE" I basically scream at her, loosing my patience. "wait she's your daughter?" The nurse asks me, "I figured the young man who was here with her when she was brought in was her father. Come with me, right this way." Then she turns to Kate and says "you'll have to stay out here." I look at Kate trying to think of something to say but she just says "Go on. I'll be here when you're ready." I give her the only smile I can manage, which has to be a small one, and I follow the nurse down the hall. She stops at a door and I burst through it. Rosie is there laying on the bed, sleeping with Savannah by her side and Josh standing behind her. I run to the side of the bed and take Rosie in my arms "what happened?" I say, not even realizing the tears that are now rushing down my face. "Oh my god my baby. Savannah what happened?" I'm now hugging Rosie's still sleeping face to my chest and rocking her back and fourth best I can with the tiny little iv in her arm. Savannah's crying too and she says "I'm so sorry Henry." She says, and that scares me, but then she continues. "The doctor said that it must've been some kind of allergic reaction. They think it's to some sort of bug, maybe a bee or a spider. They didn't know what for sure, but they gave her the iv basically like the shot of an epiipen and now they just want her overnight for observation. I'm so sorry." "Sorry for what Sav? You saved my baby. It's not your fault she got bitten." I say, and then I see Josh, really see him and realize he shouldn't be here. "Wait. Josh? What are you doing here?" They explain he came home for the weekend, and then we talk a little bit more about everything that happened as I hold the still sleeping Rosie in my arms. "Shit." I say suddenly, "Kate. She's still in the waiting room. I'll be back." I say, getting up and basically running out to the ER waiting room. It's less busy now, and I spot Kate right away, sitting by herself in the corner. I walk over to her, both of us still dressed in our basketball shorts and tshirts from rock climbing. "I uh, I'm sorry we didn't get to finish our date." I say when I walk over to her, and her head shoots up seeing me for the first time. "I had this whole night planned. I was going to take out for dinner and then I had blankets in the back of my truck and I was going to take you out of the city and bring you star gazing an-" "How's Rosie?" She asks, cutting me off. "She's okay. Well I mean she's going to be okay. She had some type of allergic reaction. And they're gonna keep her overnight just to be sure she's okay, but she's sound asleep now." I answer. I rub my eyes then, realizing how tired I am. How much I just want to hold Rosie in my arms. Realize how scared I really was and how relieved I am it wasn't as serious as it could have been. "Good. I'm really glad to hear that." She says with a smile. "I really am sorry, About the date." I say quietly. "Don't worry about it." I sit down next to her, putting my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. "Do you think that I uh, would maybe ever have a chance to make it up to you?" I ask nervously, finally getting the guts to look at her. "If your asking me out on a second date," Kate says, "the answer is yes." We both smile, and then, before I have the chance to think about it too much and chicken out, I softly put my lips onto hers.
[Regular POV] Henry walks back into Rosie's room about fifteen minutes later and to your surprise he is actually smiling. He still looks exhausted and scared and sad. He still has shadows under his red eyes. But he's smiling. He walks over to Josh first and gives him one of those awkward side hugs guys always do. "I know I was a little stressed earlier.. But I really am glad you're here Josh, even if it is just for the weekend." "I am, too." Josh says with a smile. You and Josh sit with Henry in Rosie's room for awhile longer, and finally have to say goodbye. Henry's staying with Rosie all night, but you have to go back up to your room before you get into trouble. You walk from the ER out a pair of double doors into the general area of the hospital near the foodcourt. You get into the elevator there, go to the fourth floor and then turn to the left to go towards your room. When you get there, Nicole asks you how your day was. She explains to you that she's the one who told Josh you were at home, and you tell her it was great until Rosie had to be brought here. You and Josh go into your room, and go to bed after the long night. You're happy to sleep in his arms, as the bed is much to big for just one person. The next day you wake up, and your doctor tells you today you have some tests to run to see the progress the chemo has made. Instead of hooking up to your chemo, you change into the ugly hospital gown you need to wear for the tests, and kiss Josh goodbye. "I'm sorry I have to do testing today, I wish I could've done it a different day while you weren't here." "It's okay," he assures you, "We need to know how everything is coming along, and I'll probably go down and see how Rosie is doing anyway." "See you in an hour or two" you say, kissing him quickly again while you walk out the door of your room with Nicole down to the lab. You get your blood drawn, get hooked up to countless different machines, have MRIs and CAT scans done, and finally almost two hours later you're allowed to go back to your room. Josh is laying there in bed, with his phone in his face. "Hi Baby" You say, and his head shoots up. "I didn't even hear you come in." He says, "How did the tests go?" "Well they sucked as usual, but at least I had all good nurses. They told me the results would be ready in about an hour and they were gonna come show me as soon as they could." You answer. "I went down to visit Rosie and Henry when you were getting your tests done, and Rosie gets to leave this afternoon. They think it was a bee that stung her and caused her reaction, so now Henry is supposed to carry epiipens with him at all times, because she has such a severe reaction." Josh tells you. "Well I'm glad they figured it out, I don't want that to ever happen again. Did she seem okay?" You ask. "Yes, she was all smiles the entire time I was down there. She kept saying hauntie, so she must miss you already." You smile and sit down next to Josh. "Are you nervous to hear the results?" he asks you, setting his phone on the side table and starting to give you a shoulder massage. "Yeah," you admit knowing there is no reason to hide it from Josh, "I don't want it to be bad news, but I don't want to get my hopes up for good news either, you know?" "I know, just try and relax, and we'll deal with whatever the news is when it comes." Josh says comfortingly. You lay with Josh in silence for awhile, him rubbing your shoulders still but neither of you saying anything. "God you're the best boyfriend ever." you say after awhile, and Josh says "That's crazy because you're the best girlfriend ever. We sure make a good pair." "We make a great pair." you say and you both smile at each other. Just then your doctor knocks on the door and walks in. "Hello Savannah, Hey Josh" He says with a smile, which you want to take as a good sign. He gets right down to business, pulling up a chair as you both sit on the edge of the bed facing him, Josh's hand in yours. "Well we got the results of your tests back Savannah," your doctor says, "and I'm happy to tell you that the chemotherapy is doing it's job." He pauses for a second and then continues, "Savannah the test results are so good, it looks as if you'll be completely cancer free in just a few weeks."
You're speechless. Josh is too. Your doctor smiles. Josh leans over and hugs you so tight you have trouble breathing, but you don't mind. "You're serious?" you ask him, suddenly scared this is some sort of sick joke. "Completely." he says, "And that's why tomorrow I am going to sign your discharge papers." "Really?" you ask him, still not believing it. "Really. Now that the cancer tumors are down to a size that is manageable, you're going to be taking place in an outpatient program. It helps us see how your body reacts to going back into doing everyday things, how it affects the cancer, how your body reacts to germs outside of the hospital, things like that. Then because unnecessary chemo is really taxing on a body, we're going to have you only come in twice a week to have your treatment. We're going to do that for the next two weeks or so, carefully monitoring your body and it's changes, and hopefully within that time the tumors will be gone. From there if the tumors are gone, we'll start you on a new pill that has been developed in the past few years which is extremely helpful with the type of cancer you have, to help your body stay healthy." You cannot believe what you're hearing. Two more weeks. You may be done with all of this, the hospitals, the IVs, the Chemo, all of it. You may be done with it in two weeks. Josh is holding your hand tightly, but doesn't say much. Your doctor tells you a few more details of the tests and what's going to be happening during the next two weeks, and then leaves, telling you he'll see you tomorrow when you get discharged and he leaves you and Josh to be. You turn to him and smile, and then he smiles too but you see tears in his eyes. A few escape, and you put your thumbs to his face, wiping them away and you say "Josh what's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong," he says, "For the first time nothing is wrong. For the first time a doctor walked in here with good news. You're going to be out of here in two weeks. Hell, you're going to be out of here tomorrow." That widens your smile, unable to think anything else. "I can't believe it, after almost seven months, I get to go home. I get to sleep in a bed other than this one. I can wake up at midnight and walk to the fridge and get a snack or I can drive to Target just because I want to or I can walk around in just my bra and underwear without having to worry about someone seeing. After seven months I get to go home." Josh smiles again. He's having trouble keeping the smile off of his face too. "Damn Straight you do." he says with a smile, "And guess what else." "What?" Josh smiles and says, "I should only have to be in Toronto for a couple more weeks, and after that, I'll come home, and you'll be home, and we can really start our lives together."
"So does that mean that uh," you don't really know how to ask the question you want to ask, and you struggle to come up with the right words. "That what?" Josh asks you, a confused look plastering his face. "That you want to um, what do you mean start our lives together?" You decide to ask it in a question form, and see where Josh takes the question. "Well I didn't mean it in a bad way at all," He says, "I know obviously know and love these last six and a half months with you. But I just mean like, Well we start our real lives together. We wake up next to each other in our bedroom instead of this hospital room. We make breakfast together and help each other do the dishes. We get dressed and ready for our day. I go to work and you go to work and count the seconds until we're together again. Or we spend the day walking around downtown shopping together. And then we get home and go out for dinner or make our own. We go shopping at Target for stupid things like milk and toilet paper and garbage bags. We spend the evenings just enjoying each others company. And we lay down together every night and kiss each other goodnight and go to bed to wake up and do it all again the next day. The normal lives of normal people, instead of having to stay here, or get permission from your doctors to leave or work around the chemo. We just get to be together and live our lives together." Josh says, a smile forming on his lips when he gets done talking. "So um, then you want to live together? Like in the same house?" you ask him, the question you were wondering from the beginning. "Of course I do. I mean we basically live together now, but it's just in a hospital. I could never sleep at night knowing you were 15 minutes away sleeping at your Grandma's house, not in my arms." Josh tells you, and now you're the one to smile. "I cannot wait." you tell Josh, and he kisses you saying "I can't wait either, baby." The next day comes, you and Josh packing all of the things you had at the hospital into a few bags, and going out to get your discharge papers. You say goodbye to Nicole, and it's actually quite sad. You had grown to love seeing her, and it's going to be weird after seeing her multiple times every single day for nearly seven months, to seeing her maybe twice a week. You take your things to your grandmas, telling her the good news. You tell her that you'll only be back for about two weeks, because after Josh gets back from filming, you'll be moving in with him. But she's happy to see you out of the hospital nonetheless, and so is Henry and Rosie when they come home from work and Daycare. You spend that night with your grandma, Henry, Rosie, and Josh all just hanging out and talking, and then the next day comes. The day you'd been dreading since the second Josh showed up, the day he has to go back.
You bring Josh to the airport after he says goodbye to Rosie, Henry, and your grandma. Despite Josh having his own house in LA, he had been staying with you in your bedroom at your grandmas house for the majority of his trip. You park your car and get his bags out if the trunk, you taking his backpack while he wheels his suitcase behind him. You walk into the airport, and walk with him while he gets his boarding ticket and checks his bag and then walk him to the international travels and customs gate, where Josh has to go since they're filming in Canada and where you know you have to say goodbye. Josh drops your hand which he had been holding, and turns to you, taking the backpack you were holding for him and setting it on the ground. He then takes you in his arms, pulling you in close to him and resting his head on yours, softly kissing your bald head. "Don't do that Josh, someone will see you and put it on a magazine cover." You tell him. "Who cares, if me kissing my girlfriend goodbye is what they want to advertise well then oh well." "You don't want that spread all over, it will hurt your image." You say, knowing how much an actor has to depend on their image. It was the reason you hated them, before you got to know Josh anyway. He's kind of changed they way you perceive actors, the way you analyze things now that you have heard their perspective as well. "I don't care about my fucking image I care about you." Josh says, putting his fingers under your chin a lifting your face so he can look you in the eyes. "God I don't want you to leave.." You say quietly, looking down as holding eye contact with him is just too much. "I don't wanna leave either," Josh says, "Acting on location was so much easier when I didn't have to miss somebody here." You burry your head in his chest and try not to cry, even though your attempt is pointless and soon there's tears flowing down your face. Josh takes your head in his hands at that moment, wiping your tears with his thumbs as they fall from your eyes. "It's just a couple weeks. I'll be back soon." He says, trying to make it better. "I know, go on and get out of here before you miss your flight." You say, standing up on your tippie toes to kiss him. Josh may only be 5'7, but it beats your 5'2 by a good five inches. "I love you Savannah Rose." He says quietly. "I love you too, Joshua Ryan." And with that, he hugs you tightly one more time, picks up his backpack and walks through the gate. You watch him until you can't see him anymore, and then go and sit on a bench near the exit near your car. You look at the screen and wait for "Flight 329 from LAX to Toronto International Airport" to change from Loading to Take Off to In Flight and then walk sadly to your car, which you get into and dive back to your grandmas house. You spend that night in bed, trying not to think about Josh until he calls you to tell you he's back at his hotel and missing you already. You go on like that, excited to finally be back in your own bedroom of your own house but missing Josh and his arms around you more than ever. You end up going back for five more chemo treatments, and after that you take all the tests they can do on you, to see if your body is finally actually better. You go home that night after they tell you that you'll have to wait a day for some of the results. The next day Henry gets off of work, and goes with you to the hospital, where you wait for Dr. James to come and tell you the results. He comes in to the room you were waiting in and tells you just what you wanted to hear "well Savannah," he says, "I'm going to have to write you out a prescription, because you'll be taking two pills a day, one at morning and one and night. This is to help your body stay at the current state it's at, because the tumors are completely gone, you're cancer free." It's done. The monster that haunted your childhood and came back to haunt you now is gone once again.
You schedule a check up for about a month away just to get a few tests done to be cautious, after that you'll only go in every six months for two years, and then only once a year. You and Henry go home where you tell your Grandma the good news. "Hey Grams" you say as you walk into the living room where she's sitting in her chair watching Rosie play with her dolls. "Hello my dear, how did it go?" She asks you. "Well, we're going to have to go to Target and buy some shampoo and conditioner." You answer, "because my hair is growing back" Your grandma knows this good, your grandma knows exactly what that means. She jumps out of her chair and hurries over to hug you "oh Savannah my dear, that's wonderful" Your grandma may be getting old, but she's still young at heart. "Let's all go out to celebrate tonight" Henry recommends, and you all agree. You all go your separate ways to get ready. You decide to wear a casual but flattering red dress, with a brown belt around the waist. You put on some cover up, then do your eye makeup, a natural beige smokey eye, with black eye liner on your waterline and mascara. When you meet back downstairs, you see Henry now dressed in camo shorts with a denim button up shirt and his hair now styled rather than laying flat on his forehead like it was before. He is a spitting imagine of your father, and for just a second your sad, but you remind yourself tonight is a celebration. You can smell his cologne, the same kind Josh uses occasionally and you wish more than anything for Josh to be there celebrating with you. You also want to call him and tell him the news, but you know he's probably still filming so you have to wait for him to call you. Henry is holding Rosie, who's dressed in a sweater with leggings and little booties on and her curly hair in pigtails. "Your daughter is going to be such a little white girl, might as well just start her on Starbucks now while she's young." You say grinning. "She's adorable." Henry says grinning back. You can't dispute that. Your grandma then comes with her hair curled and in a simple grey dress she wears frequently for going out to dinner. Henry offers to drive because Rosie's car seat is already in his truck, so you get in the back with her while your grandma sits in the front and Henry drives. You all are pretty quiet while the radio plays softly in the background. When you get to the restaurant, you get Rosie out of her car seat and all walk inside. You all order your drinks, Henry getting Soda, Rosie Juice, and you and your grandma a bottle of the restaurants house Wine, after she reminds you that you're celebrating. While you're waiting for your dinner to come, and your phone starts vibrating. You look and see it's Josh so you quickly excuse yourself from the table and answer it while you're walking outside where it's quieter. "Hey baby" you say, and Josh responds "how'd your appointment go?" "Listen Josh, I'm at dinner with my family right now, is it okay if I FaceTime you in an hour or so, and we can talk about it?" You ask him. "Um yeah, of course." He says. You say goodbye, and hang up going back inside just as your food is brought to your table. You eat the delicious food, enjoying a nice and quiet evening with your ordinary family. Not that you don't love Josh, and all the glitz and glam, the cameras and fans that come along with being with him, but it's nice just to have an evening without those things. You all decide to go out to get ice cream afterwords, so you park the truck and walk down to a tourist area full of food trucks, ordering ice cream and sitting on a park bench to eat it. Finally after you're all done eating, you walk back to the truck and go home. You put Rosie to bed for Henry and then take a shower, going to your room to call Josh.
Josh answers on the first ring with a worried sounding "hello" You see he's sitting in his hotel bed, blanket about halfway up with torso with no shirt on and what you expect to be a pair of basketball shorts with one leg sticking out of the blanket. "Hey Baby!" You respond cheerfully. "So?" He asks you. You don't know exactly how to respond, knowing you have to tell Josh but not knowing how to do so. "You're pausing." He says, "you seem distracted tonight was it bad news?" You can tell he's nervous. You can tell he's scared and sad and every other emotion possible. You decide to just flat out tell him. "No Josh it wasn't bad news, it was great news actually." You then take a deep breath and say "Josh the tumors are gone. After seven months I'm finally cancer free." His look of worry and fear turns into a joyful smile and he says "really?" "Really." You answer with a smile. You see the camera get messed up and then it's set down on the bed because you see the ceiling. Then it starts bouncing and you see glimpses of Josh dressed in his favorite pair of basketball shorts jumping up and down on his hotel bed shouting "MY GIRLFRIEND IS CANCER FREE MY GIRLFRIEND IS CANCER FREE" over and over again. Then he grabs his phone and runs to his balcony of the hotel room and shouts it over and over outside too. He finally looks back at the camera when he goes back inside and sits down again. "You're adorable." You tell him. "God I wanna kiss you right now." He says simply. "I hate that we're so far apart." You say, "my family and I went out to celebrate tonight and it felt so wrong to celebrate something when you weren't there." You tell him. "Speaking of that, now that we got the great news out of the way, I have some not so great news to share." He says, you don't say anything waiting for him to continue. "Well, I uh, not to put a damper on our moods right now but today the director told me we have to reshoot some scenes because of sound errors and well, I have to stay here for probably another two or three weeks instead of coming home on Tuesday like we planned." "Oh, um okay." You say, not able to mask your disappointment as much as you probably should. "I'm really sorry, Babe." Josh tells you. "It's not something you have to be sorry for." You tell Josh, "it's not your fault." "I know it's not my fault.." He answers, "but I just want to be with you." "I want to be with you too, Josh." There's a quiet knock on your door and so you say "come in" and Henry walks in. "Do you have a minute?" He asks you. "I'm talking to Josh right now can I come get you in a couple minutes?" You ask your little brother, but then Josh says "Henry needs you, I'll talk to you in the morning Baby, I love you." You're honestly just too tired to fight it so you say "I love you too, goodnight." And hang up, as Henry comes and joins you at the head of your bed. "So what do you need Hen?" You ask him. "It's just Um.." He pauses, but you don't interrupt, letting him find the words he needs to say. "okay well Josh he's coming back soon, and you're moving in with him.. And well who knows what's going to happen with Kate. And as terrible as this sounds who knows how much longer grams is gonna be here..." He pauses again and then continues, "anyway.. Everything is changing. And that's okay. Change can be good, but I'm just worried our relationship is gonna change and that terrifies me because Sav you're like my best friend and I know you have Josh and I have Rosie but.. But we need each other." "We'll always have each other Henry." You tell him, "nothing about our relationship is gonna change, it's you and me for the long haul whether you like it or not." "I needed to hear that." He says giving you a giant hug, which is exactly what you needed. Then Henry looks up to you with a crooked grin spreading across his face and he says "I'm so glad you kicked cancers ass again."
"We probably didn't use that language the first time" you say, nudging Henry with your elbow. "Yeah probably not." He agrees, "So what were you and Josh talking about.. It kinda sounded like he was sad when he hung up.. Shouldn't he be happy?" You take a deep breath. "Yeah.. Well he was happy. About the whole cancer thing. But then he told me he has to stay in Toronto for like 2-3 more weeks instead of just a few days. That's kinda what we were talking about when you came in." You explain. "Oh that's too bad." Henry says, and then his face lights up into a smile. "Wait.. Why don't you surprise Josh and visit him?" You had never thought about doing that, but then again until today you had to be in LA while staying at the hospital or for chemo appointments. You smile too, saying "that's actually a really fabulous idea!" "I have those once in awhile." He responds, winking at you. "You're the best little brother ever." You tell him, and he says "yeah I hear that sometimes." You stifle a laugh and say "you're also an arrogant lil shit." "But you wouldn't change a single thing about me, my charming personality, my great fashion choice or my dashing good looks would you?" He asks. "Not a single thing." You affirm. "I gotta head to bed. I gotta work an early shift tomorrow." Henry tells you, reminding you that job hunting is something you'll need to be doing now that you're out of the hospital. You say goodnight and then go online to find the cheapest plane one way ticket you can. You'll decide when you wanna return when you get there. Surprisingly you find one for the day after tomorrow for a good price, so you book it and decide to head to bed after a long day. The next morning you sleep in and wake up, smiling at the fact you get to see Josh tomorrow and you don't have to go to the hospital. You get up and start packing a suitcase, putting in quite a few clothes since you don't know how long you'll be there. You pack up everything else you'll need, and then decide to go online to job search. You were in school before you had to go back into the hospital, and you had a student service job working in the library so when you had to drop out of school, you lost your only source of income as well. Unlike most people your age, you don't know what you want to do with your life. You're creative. You love writing and reading. You love painting and drawing, you love singing and photography. But at school you were just taking generals and electives. You don't know what you want to do with any of those creative things you enjoy. You don't know what you actually can do. To you all those things just feel like hobbies, not something you're able to make a life out of. You've thought about going back to school, but to register for the fall semester you had to have your things in already, and you didn't know if you'd be able to be ready by then so you at least have to wait until spring semester if you want to return to your studies. You search for hours and hours through different websites listing job openings and don't see anything at all that you could even attempt to get. You do see a few things that interest you, but you either don't have the qualifications you need, or health and time wise you couldn't do it. You doctor told you he wanted to ease back into work so you don't overdo anything, so you can't work for more than 20 hours every week and it can't be extremely physical work. It has nothing to do with having cancer, but more with the affects your treatment, chemo, and radiation had on your body. After being on one form of treatment or another for 7 months, it weakens you and your immune system and makes it a lot easier to get hurt or sick from overworking yourself, especially right after while your body is trying to make itself healthy again. After finding nothing, you get frustrated and shut your computer off and pick up your book on the bedside table. Reading is not only a great distraction, but a great time waister until you get to see Josh again. When Henry and Rosie get home, you make dinner for them as your grandma had plans with a friend for dinner. After that, you spend time with both of them as you don't know how long you'll be gone with Josh, and then go to bed, waking up in the morning, and driving to the airport with your backpack on your back, a hat on your head, and your suitcase behind you. After a relatively boring plane ride, your arrive in Toronto and go through customs and baggage claim, finding a taxi outside and giving the driver the address of the hotel Josh is staying in and go to the front desk, asking for his room number. You have a little bit of trouble, because at first they think you're just a fan, but after you explain you're surprising him and show them countless pictures of you proving your together, they tell you he's staying in room 303 warning you if Josh complains you'll be in trouble. You ride the elevator to his room, and knock on the door. When it opens your smile turns to a frown, as you see a beautiful girl with long brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes wearing only a pair of panties and what your recognize as one of Josh's button up shirts. You then recognize her and can't believe what you're seeing, "Gaby?"
"Oh um, Savannah! Hi!" Gaby says with what you know is a fake smile on her face, "I haven't seen you in ages. What are you doing here?" You don't smile back. You knew Gaby a long time ago from when you lived in Minnesota. While you were in high school you were classmates. You didn't talk to each other much, because she was one of those girls who always thought she was better than everyone. One of those people who wouldn't even so much as say hi to someone if she didn't think she was worthy enough of her energy. One of those people who starts rumors just to hurt people. "Um, well I was told this was Jo- erm my boyfriend's room." It could be a mistake, maybe somebody else has the same shirt.. At that point you see exactly what you didn't want to. Over her shoulder you see the blankets on the bed move and you see Josh emerge from underneath them, dressed only in a tight pair of his underarmor boxers, clearly just waking up. You watch him rub his eyes and then run his finger through his hair like he does every morning. He walks a bit closer to the both of you and looks confused. He looks as if he thought he was alone, and you're both interrupting his sleep. "Savannah?" He asks and then says "wait Gaby.. What are you doing here.?" You look over towards him, seeing the khakis he always wears with the shirt Gaby has on, and near it a dress Gaby clearly was wearing when she got into Josh's hotel room what your assume was last night. "Last night you asked me to come back to your room.. You said that your girlfriend was back in LA and would never have to find out.." Gaby answers, "if I had known Savannah was your girlfriend I never would have even dreamt of it." "Wait you guys know each other?" Josh says, confused while he grabs a pair of basketball shorts near his bed and grabs them. "That's what you're worried about?" You say loosing your temper, and starting to yell "I come to surprise you, walk in on you to find out you cheated on me with my old fucking classmate." "no! I didn't cheat on you! Savannah you gotta believe me baby, you gotta trust me." Josh says trying to remain calm, "I would never cheat on you, you know that!" You then take a deep breath, trying to calm down. Josh could possibly be telling the truth.. It isn't something you'd think he'd do. Especially after Claudia.. But then how would you explain the half naked lady in his room saying he asked her to come back to his room last night. As calmly as you can, you say "so if that didn't happen then what did?" Josh scratches the back of his head and looks to the ground saying "I uh, I can't really uh, I can't tell you what happened." "What do you mean you can't tell me what happened?" You ask him. "Well last night, I uh.. Don't really remember what happened. I remember calling you and telling you I was going out for dinner, and I remember the first part of dinner, and after that everything's just kinda a blur." He says, and then Gaby adds "maybe a bit too much to drink? When I found you, you were at the bar ordering another drink to bring back to your table." "I didn't drink that much.." Josh says. You just shake your head at Josh, and it's quiet for a moment until you say "you know what Josh.. I thought you of all people would have the decency to just break up with me. I thought after feeling this exact way with Claudia you would never want to make anyone else feel this way. But I guess I was wrong. I flew here to surprise you, but really.. You're the one who surprised me." (A/N REMEMBER THAT IN THIS STORY JOSH AND CLAUDIA BROKE UP BCOS HE FLEW TO SPAIN TO SURPRISE HER AND WALKED IN ON HER CHEATING BUT THAT DIDNT REALLY HAPPEN IRL ITS JUST PART OF THE STORY) "baby I would never do that.." He says, "I love you." You look to Gaby and then back to Josh and say, "and I was naive enough to believe that to be true." You don't need to hear anything else. Josh might love you but he got drunk enough to cheat on you and that's something you'll just be able to look past. You then turn around, and start walking when Josh runs after you. It's the fastest you have ever seen him run. Yes, he's recovered a lot from the accident but he still isn't at the point he was before hand. "Savannah Wait!" He screams, but you just keep waking "no Josh, I'm done. I can't do this. I can't stand the thought of looking at you right now." And with that, he stops, and you keep going.
[Josh's POV] I roll out of bed, rubbing my eyes and running my hands through my hair. I get out of bed, my head pounding as if I have a bad hang over, although I don't remember drinking much last night. I spot my khakis on a chair and a dress next to it. That's odd because.. "Savannah? Wait Gaby? What are you doing here?" Then I take in my surroundings. I see Savannah standing at my door with a suitcase in her hands. I see Gaby standing there in what I realize is only my shirt. Shit. No. No. No. Fuck. No, this.. This can't be happening. I wouldn't have.. I didn't. I couldn't. "Last night you asked me to come back to your room.. You said that your girlfriend was back in LA and would never have to find out.." Gaby says, "if I had known Savannah was your girlfriend I never would have even dreamt of it." No. I never would have done that. I mean.. I don't remember much of anything from last night, but I couldn't have cheated on Savannah. I wouldn't have. I grab a pair of my basketball shorts sliding them on, suddenly very uncomfortable with the fact I was standing there in only my boxers. Then a lot of things happen that shouldn't. There's yelling and screaming and before I know it Savannah's gone, and I don't even know where to go about looking for her, but I know I have to try. "Can you please leave now?" I ask Gaby, searching frantically for a semi clean tshirt and throwing her dress back towards her. "Why I thought we could have a little fun now that Savannah is gone." She says winking at me. "God I can't believe I slept with you. I never can imagine having been so fucking drunk I slept with the biggest slut on set when I love Savannah as much as I do." I say, not able to get Savannah off my mind. Not able to believe I would EVER sleep with Gaby, who is a makeup artist on the set of my movie, and apparently an old classmate of Savannah's. Not being able to believe that I did to Savannah what Claudia once did to me. Not being able to believe that I'm responsible for the heartache I know Savannah is feeling right now. Gaby looks stunned but I don't have the time for that. "You really have to go. Keep my fucking shirt." I say, giving her the dress and basically dragging her out of my room, slamming the door shut behind her. "Listen, apparently last night I did a very stupid thing with you, but trust me. If I could do anything in my entire life over it would be last night, and I have to go try my best to fix it. So please, please stay the fuck out of my and Savannah's life." With that I take off running towards the way Savannah left. I search frantically for her. The entire floor of my hotel, the elevators and stair shafts, the pool and exercise rooms, I ask the front desk if they've seen her and they said they gave her my room number and asked if she was any trouble. I spit out that she was no trouble before I run outside, searching for any sign of where she might be. I realize the time it is, running back to my hotel room to grab my phone call the director, asking him for the day off. He says no at first but after I plead he must hear in my voice that something is wrong because he tells me to take the day off. Just as I'm walking out of my room, I see Gaby walk into the elevator talking on her cellphone and I hear her say my name. For some reason I think she looks like she's trying to hide something so I run down the stairs, and wait until I see her walk out of the elevator. She sits down at a chair in the lobby sipping on her coffee and I stand close behind a wall, listening in. At first she's talking about nothing of interest and then she hangs up and calls somebody else saying "Jasmine I have to tell you what happened with Josh and Savannah!" bingo. I continue listening and hear her say "okay so this plan worked out absolutely perfect. I was just planning on making Josh think he slept with me a the pain would eat him alive until he told that defect." She says. My fists tighten and my jaw clenches. I want so to just smack her for calling Savannah a defect but I have to hear the rest. "Yeah so anyway, last night we all went out to dinner and Josh went to the bathroom so while nobody was looking I slipped the roofies (a date rape drug) into his drink. After awhile I could tell they were starting to work, so I told him I needed help fixing something and told the rest of the people he wasn't feeling well. Anyway, he went to bed right when we got up to his room. Yeah, well I tried to actually fuck him. But he kept saying he loved Savannah and shit. So yeah, then this morning I put on his shirt so he would believe he did, and it ended up even better because Savannah showed up! And she totally believed it, finally gets what she deserved." That's when I quit listening. That's why I know I have to find Savannah for real. Because she might have drugged me. And she might have made Savannah think I cheated on her. But there's no way in hell she's going to get away with this.

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