Chapter 61

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You start the drive to the cemetery, not having been there since the day you and Henry sat under a black tent as they lowered the two matching caskets down into the ground right next to each other. You don't remember much from the day of the funeral, you we're too in a daze, not wanting to believe that the unthinkable had actually happened, but you do remember sitting down with Henry on the grass in front of the holes, hugging him, crying, and both refusing to leave until the last of the dirt was put into the grave. You and Henry sat there for hours, watching shovel full after shovel full of dirt hit the caskets. Never will you forget the sound of it, the way the first shovel of dirt looked when it splattered on top of the casket. Many people stayed with you at first, but eventually people started leaving until it was just you, Henry, and your grandma there. You feel a pang of guilt now, realizing you made her watch her daughter's grave full up, but you had to be there. After that, you went to your house for the last time, packed up all of your things, and moved across the country, finishing out your junior year, and Henry's freshman year at the school there in LA. You take the familiar route from your house, going to the cemetery. For years your dad would drive you there, him visiting both of his parents who were buried there, and you visiting Rachel. Rachel had lived about half an hour away in another small town, but we both decided that we wanted to be buried near each other if we died, so we made sure to tell our parents to buy grave sites next to each others. It's a morbid thing for two thirteen year olds to think of, but it was our lives. And you still own the spot next to hers. When you get there, you all quietly get out of the car, first going over to Rachel's grave. You had to build up the courage to go over to your parents still, but Henry walked over there directly. You see him look down at the ground. You go to Rachel's headstone, Josh right behind you quietly. "When I die. If nobody else knows or fights for it. Make sure you get my body back here. I promised her I'd join her one day. And this is where I want to be." you say, turning to him, "Promise me that if something happens, I'll be here rather than in LA. This is where I want to be." "I promise." Josh says, taking you in a hug. You try not to cry with failure and Josh then says "Henry needs you right now. Go to him, I'll be by the truck." You nod, knowing Josh is right, and once again being grateful that Josh and Henry surprised you with him being with. You walk over to Henry seeing your parents graves that are right next to each other. Rose Collins. Born January 8th, 1974. Died March 17th 2010. Thomas Collins. Born October 17th 1971. Died March 17th 2010. That's all it takes to make you start crying, just seeing the graves and remembering that day four years ago you sat here and watch them fill up with dirt over your parents dead bodies. You take Henry into your arms, and he starts sobbing even louder. It breaks your heart seeing your little brother like this, but you know better than to say anything. You both feel each others pain, you both are the only two who know what it feels like. Other people have lost their parents. But you're the only two people who will ever know what it feels like to lose your parents. "I love you, Savannah." Henry says quietly between both of your sobs. "I love you more, Henry." A few minutes later, you and Henry walk back to the truck where Josh is waiting. Henry gets inside without a word and you hug Josh, him drying your tears. "Ready?" you ask him, knowing it's not really a typical thing to bring your boyfriend to your dead parents graves but Josh just says "I think I have a few people to meet first."


"Josh we don't have to. I know it's not really, um, normal." you say. "I have to at least pay my respects for a second Sav, I understand if you don't want to come with again, you can wait in the truck if you want." he says squeezing your hand. "I'll come if you're going I guess. You walk back towards the graves and are both quiet for a minute, Josh putting his arm around you and pulling you closer by the waist, you putting your arm around his shoulders. "Well this is it. My Mom and Dad's graves." you say quietly, breaking the silence. "Is there a flower shop in town? I think we should bring some flowers out here before we leave." He says. "Yes, there is. I can bring you down to it if you want." you answer. You're both quiet again, and then Josh looks up to the sky and simply says, "Well Mr. and Mrs. Collins. Thank you for raising such a beautiful, caring, and wonderful daughter. I would love to meet you, but since that's not possible, I'm trying my very best to imagine you, and all the wonderful traits you've passed along to your children. I can tell you raised them right, and I'm trying my best to care for both Sav and Henry since you're not here to do it anymore." That makes you start crying again, turning into Josh and hugging him. He quickly puts his arms around you, hugging tightly back. After a few more moments, you and Josh silently walk back to the truck, getting in and driving back to the hotel. "Thanks for bringing me with, Josh." Henry says breaking the silence for the first time since you left the cemetery. "Thanks for coming with." he says genuinely. "I think Henry and I both needed to make this trip more than we realized." you say, smiling at Josh, for the first time in what feels like hours. When you get back to the hotel, you all relax for a while, physically and mentally drained after a long day, and then you all start to get ready. You dress in a pair of running shorts with a Minnesota Vikings TShirt, something you feel bad about wearing in LA, and a baseball hat from your highschool that you kept from when you played tennis. Josh dresses in a pair of light blue basketball shorts along with a cut off tshirt, and Henry in a pair of his soccer shorts with your high school mascot on them and an old soccer jersey he kept when you moved. You all go out to eat at a small café you and Henry used to eat at all the time, and then go to the ODR to join the pickup soccer game. When you get there you spot your cousin Jake right away. "Savannah!" He calls out as he sees you all too, "Henry!" He runs over, dressed in the same shorts and a similar Jersey to Henry. They're about two years apart, but they were always really close. He hugs you first, and then turns to Henry and hugs him too. "I'm so glad you guys are home!" and then he sees Josh. "Woah.. aren't you.. Aren't you Peeta?" You laugh and so do Josh and Henry, "Yeah, I play Peeta Mellark." Josh answers, and you say "Jake this is my boyfriend, Josh." "You're dating a movie star?" he asks turning to you, shock plastered across his face. "Yeah, I guess." you shrug with a smile, for you it's always been just dating Josh no matter what his job was. After that shock, and you and Henry seeing many familiar faces and talking to people you lived around for the first seventeen years of your life, the Soccer game starts. It's been two days full of emotion, but you're glad to be home, especially with Josh.

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