Chapter 42

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*Savannah's POV* When you walk outside, you see a nice silver jeep sitting there with the top up. "I figured the motorcycle should stay put for awhile," Josh says laughing, "Hope the jeep's alright." You stop dead in your tracks, "Joshua Ryan. That is nothing to be laughing about, absolutely nothing." you tell him sternly. "You sound like my mother" he says and smiles again, stops walking and flicks his head so that you come over to him. As you cross to him he grabs you and kisses you. "You realize that I'm getting on that bike again, as soon as I can." he says softly grinning, "No little accident is going to stop me." You bury your head into his neck from where it was by his face, and say "I just don't want you to get hurt again." He takes his hand from your waist and lifts your chin to make your eyes meet his, and he says "don't be sad now, my valentine. Everything's going to be alright. You're gonna beat this and I'm gonna be here every step of the way, and everything's going to be alright." "It's hard not to be sad, but you know what?" "What?" Josh asks. "you make me really happy, Josh." you say quietly. He smiles and he says "You make me really happy too, Savannah." You and Josh get into his jeep, and you set his present in the backseat, getting a glance of yours neatly wrapped in a nice box. Josh gets into the drivers seat after a bit of difficulty and as he's pulling out of the driveway he says "I use both my feet to drive now.. It's weird, but it would take far to long if I had to slam on the breaks." "I'm just glad you can drive again." you tell him, knowing it helps him feel like he's doing what he should be doing. "Me too." He agrees, taking one hand off the wheel and grabbing your hand, holding it in the middle counsel. "I don't have a whole lot planned for tonight, just a few little things. I hope that's alright." Josh says after he exits onto the freeway. "I'd be happy just spending time with you." you answer honestly, "Whatever you have planned is fine." When you get to the restaurant, Josh says "Just sit tight okay?" He gets out of the car, shuts his door, and you watch him walk around the car. He holds onto the jeep with one hand and walks slowly but steadily over to your door and opens it, holding your hand to help you out of the jeep. You walk together into the restaurant, and you're automatically seated in a booth towards the back of the restaurant. When your waiter comes, Josh orders a bottle of their best red wine, and the waiter pours you both a glass without question. When he leaves you say "Josh I'm not twenty-one yet, shouldn't I just get a glass of water or something?" It's not that you've never drank, you've had wine before, you have a few beers occasionally at a party, but never in public places, especially when there's a great chance you could be photographed. Josh smiles, "If you want to you can, but You don't have to worry about that here, nobody will take pictures in here." You lift your glass at that point, and Josh does too, clinking them together. "To our first Valentines Day together." You and Josh sip on your wine until the food you ordered comes, and then eat your meal together. "Ready for the next part of our first Valentines day together?" Josh asks as he stands up after he pays the bill. "Ready." You say. You walk back out to the jeep together, and before Josh opens your door for you, he leans you up against the door of the jeep, and kisses you. Not just any kiss either, the most passionate, soft but also just a little bit forceful, perfect, butterfly giving, head spinning, gut wrenching amazing kiss you've ever received. And not just from him, from anybody. It was better than your first kiss, it was better than the kiss you had with Raymond after the first time you said 'I love you', it was better than the kiss you and Josh shared that first night you kissed him. It was better than anything you'd ever felt before. When Josh pulls away and starts open your door you smile at him and say "What was that for?" "Just for being you." He answers. You smile at him, and get into the jeep. This time you don't watch Josh cross back to his seat, because the only thing that you can focus on is the thought of "I love you Josh" running through your head again and again.

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